HCA 13/68 f.258r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.258r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the .1. he saith he was aboard the sayd shipp att the tyme of her seizure and
first shipped himself as a passenger about the 1st of December stile of Spaine
last past to sayle in her to the Duines; but was himselfe intending for
the port of London.

To the .2. he saith he hath knowne the sayd shipp 4 or 5 monethes, and
saith being not present att the contract nor a witnes to the bill of sale interrate
he cannot otherwise depose touching the property of the sayd shipp than he
hath above deposed.

To the .3. he referreth himselfe to his forEgoeing depositions.

To the .4th. he saw the sayd Owners possest of the sayd shipp as aforesayd in September
October and November, but saw not possession depivered.

To the 5th he saith he hath heard that the sayd shipp before she was so bought did belong
to Holland and further saving that the sayd shipp came last from Bilboa bound
for Ostend he cannot depose.

To the .6th. he saith the foresayd Owners are all Spaniards natives of Biscay and
hath knowne Thomas Santa Columba 12 yeares and the rest about 5 yeares
and the sayd Columba hath lived with his family att Bilboa 10 yeares and there
now liveth with the same, and Jacques de Backer, and sayd ffrancsco and
Antonio for 5 yeares of this Rendents knowledge have lived in Bilboa and
there now live. and the sayd Pedro Guero 5 yeares of this Rendents knowledge
att Portugaleta and there now lives, which persons are owners of the
sayd shipp, and Mendiola interrate hee hath knowne 16. yeares to be an inhabitant
of Bilboa where he now lives, and further cannot depose.

To the .7th. he saith he saw not the sayd good bought nor can give ant further
accompt of the property of the same than as aforesayd

To the .8. he saith he saw the sayd Mendiola att Bilboa the tyme
interrate, and saw the sayd Columba lade goods aboard the sayd shipp and [?putt]
aboard with some parcells of them and saith he saw Jacques de Backer
and John Bolezde Archaca att Bilboa ythe tyme interrate and saw the
sayd 2 persons aboard and lade goods aboard videlicet wooll and saw
several quantities of the sayd woolls in the shipps of the sayd laders before
the lading thereof. And further cannot depose.

To the 9. negatively.

To the .10. he saith he cannot depose otherwise than as aforesaid this
being the first voyage the sayd shipp hath made since she was
knowne to this Rendent.

To the .11. and 12th he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 13th he saith he is a native and an Inhabitant of Soria aforesayd
and otherwise negatively.

To the 14th. he saith he cannot depose.

To the .15th he saith that being a passenger aboard the sayd shipp he knoweth
that the sayd Barents nor any Holland Mariners were aboard the sayd shipp att
the tyme of seizurem and beleiveth that all her Company being
Spaniards were taken into her since her being bought as aforesayd And
otherwise cannot depose.

To the 16. 17. amd 18th. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof, but hath
heard that the sayd Barens is an Hollander

Sam Delablaie [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]