HCA 13/68 f.257v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.257v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that
being resident att Bilboa upon merchandizing busines in the moneth of
August last past and being upon a day about the middle of the sayd moneth
in the howse of John Cuyper in the sayd [?XXXX] (being neere to this
deponents lodging hee then and there saw the arlate Thomas
Saracha Santa Columba pay unto the arlate John Barents for the sayd
shipp Nostra Seniora de Bygonnna att that tyme lyeing in the River of
Bilboa six thousand and odd peices of eight the greatest part of the
moneyes he this deponent being an intimate acquaintance of he sayd
Santa Columba did att his desire tell and count att the tyme of payment
thereof as aforesayd; from and after which tyme to this present the sayd
Thomas de Santa Columba and Companye in whose names the sayd moneys
were payd have bene and are the lawfull Owners of the sayd shipp her
tackle and furniture, they the sayd Santa Columba and Companyto witt Jacques
de Backer Pedro dal Guero and one ffrancisco. and one Antonio
whose sirnames he remembreth not all Biskainers having as this
deponent then and there heard bought the sayd shipp of and from the sayd
Barents the then Master and Owner of her, but whether or not
the sayd shipp were then called the ffaithfull Souldier knoweth not. and
saith the sayd Owners thereupon became possest of the sayd shipp and sett her
out to sea and repaired and fitted her for this voyage from Bioboa
to Ostend which was begann about a moneth agoe under Command of
the sayd Captaine Swasse to whose mannagement the foresayd owners
did committ the sayd shipp the Nostra Seniora de Bygonna
all which this deponent being familiarly acquainted with the sayd Santa
Columba and resideing in Bilbo during the tyme she was so [?XXX]
and comeing aboard in her as a passenger, this present voyage [?XXX]
knoweth saw and observed and further canot depose

To the third he saith that not having seene the sayd bill of sale hee cannot

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that after the
buying and fitting of the sayd shipp as aforesayd in the monethes of October
and November last past att Biloboa the arlate Thomas de Santa Columba [?XX]
factor of severall merchants of Segovia well knowne to this deponent
did lade severall great quantities of woolls aboard the sayd shipp of the
certaine knowledge and sight of this deponent to be in the sayd shipp
transported to Ostend and there delivered for accompt of the sayd
merchants of Segovia. and hath credibly heard all the Iron and [?wooll]
laden aboard the sayd shipp were to be transported to the same place for the
accompt of merchants of Spaine and fflanders all subiects of the
King of Spaine.

To the fifth he saith that the sayd Thomas de Santa Columba and [?XXX]
Baptista de Mendiosa arlate are both of them Spaniards and subiects ppf the
King of Spaine and so accounted. and that the sayd merchants of Segovia
Bartolomeo de Vollasso, Marras Milian, Jami [?Beer], Don [?Pedro]
Melonda, JUan Bedez de Archaia, whom this deponent beleiveth to
be true owners of a good part of the sayd woolls, are all Spaniards
likewise and so accounted: And otherwise cannot depose

To the sixth he saith he cannot depose.