HCA 13/68 f.258v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.258v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation


Captaine Vincent da Chavary of Portagalota in
Spaine Commander of a certaine shipp called the
Nostra Seniora da Bigonna aged 39 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith the
arlate Thomas de Santa Columba, Jacques Backer Pedro del Guero and
two nephewes of the sayd Collumba whose names he remembreth not all
Spaniards natives of Biscay and well knowne to this deponent in August
September October and November last past were and att present are the true and
lawfull owners of the sayd shipp the Nostra Seniora de Bigonna whereof
the Captain Juan Suasso is Commander, which shipp they bought
in the sayd moneth of August of an Hollands skipper then master of the sayd
shipp whose name he remembreth not, and saith that about the 19th day of
the sayd moneth he saw the sayd Thomas de Santa Columba in behalfe of
himselfe and Company really pay the number of 6000 pieces of eight more
or lesse for the sayd shipp then lying att Bilboa in the howse of one
Cuyper in Bilboa to the foresayd Hollands skipper; and saith he after
sawe the sayd Thomas de Santa Columba and Jacques Bacquer accompanyed
with an Alguazil and a Notary Publique goe of from Bilboa in a [?boat]
to take possession of the sayd shipp in the sayd moneth of August, and
after that saw and observed that they fitted out the sayd shipp for
this present voyage under the Command of the sayd Captaine Swasse, which
sayd voyage was began .1st. December new stile from Bilbo, and the sayd
shipp is bound for Ostend whither this deponents sayd shipp that [?XXX]
in Company from Bilboa with the shipp arlate is also bound. And otherwise
he cannot depose./

To the third hee saith that he hath seene an authenticated Copy of a bill
of sale of the sayd shipp by the name of Il Soldado with some [?XXX]
which he remembreth not wherein the sayd Thomas de
Sarasha Santa Columba is the vendor, which he saw att Bilboa [?XX]
the sayd shipp departed from thence in the possession of the sayd Columba
which he hath since seene in the possession of the sayd Captaine [?XXXX]
aboard his shipp, and beleiveth that the contents thereof were and are
true, and saith that the shipp in the sayd bill of sale or copy named [?Il]
Soldado and the shipp Nostra Seniora de Begonna are one and the same
shipp and not diverse, and the sayd Thomas de Saracha Santa Columba [?XX]
vendor in the sayd bill of sale and Thomas Saracha Santa Columba in the
proceedings of this cause mentioned were and are one and the same
person and not diverse. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 4th and 5th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that after the sayd shipp was
fitted as aforesayd she was laden with woolls and iron to be transported
in the sayd shipp from Bilbo to Ostend all as he hath heard before
came from Bilbo for accompt of the subiects of the King of Spaine
and the same were laden for the most part by Biscayers and in
particular remembreth that he saw the sayd Thomas de Santa Columba