HCA 13/124 f.26v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.26v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Item for a Rolle of Tobaccoe}
lost from onboard the said}
shippe of about 60. or 70
pounds weight}

3 li 0 s 0 d

Item for 2 Butts of oile}
staved att Naples by}
neglect of the Company}

23 li 0 s 0 d

Item for a shipps boate}
att Naples the other being
staved by the neglect of}
the Company as the same}
lay by the shipps side at}
noone day}

12 li 10 s 0 d



11th January 1650 [?imp] et cetera [CENTRE HEADING]

Repetit coram
[?XXX] Stephens [?XX]
Jud uno et cetera

The personall Answers of Elenor
Windall made to the positions
and Articles of a certaine pretensed
Allegation defacto given and ad
mitted against her on the behalfe
of Robert Clarke 21st Junij
1650 followe videlicet/

To the first pretensed position hee answe
reth and beleeveth that in or about the
moneth of ffebruary or March happe
neing in Anno 1643 arlate the
shippe the hare was set out
from dublin in Ireland arlate haveing
in her at that time about seaventy poore
english people which were stripped by the Re
bellious Irish to be transported from
thence for England and shee beleeveth
that the said shipp was pressed in