HCA 13/124 f.26r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.26r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


as this Rendent was informed and
verily beleeveth give information to
the Inhabitants of Jersey that hee this
Rendent was very zealous for the Par
liament and hee rebuked them for
speakeing for the kings partie against
the Parliament whereupon this Rendent
was clapt upp a prisoner and all the
men set att liberty and hee was there kept
a prisoner by the space of three moneths
to his great charges and damadge and
cheifely by reason of theire information
as hee beleeveth and was forced to give
a 1000 li bond and come away upon his
[?pXXX] which in regard hee cannot procure
from the Parliament and is commanded
by them not to returne his said bond
is there forfeited and if hee bee taken
and have not money to pay downe
it his as much as his life is worth
as hee beleeveth And otherwise hee doth
not beleeve the said pretensed positions or
either of them to bee true

To the seaventh hee answereth that hee
doeth not beleeve the same to bee true



Schedule de qua in [?XXXX]
[?particulars] annexed fit [?mentio]/

Imprimis for eleaven hogsheads}
of pilchards that were lost}
imbeazelled or purloined}

50 li 18 s 0 d

Ite, for recovering an Anchor}
and Cable that was stollen from}
the shippe at Naples whilest}
shee ridd by it}

5 li 0 s 0 d