MRP: Barbados
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30/12/11, CSG: Created page & uploaded image
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See Jamaica
See New England
See Virginia
To do
Map of Barbados, Lygon, 1658
Image credits & copyright information
(1) 'A topographical description and admeasurement of the Yland of Barbados in the West Indyaes with the names of the seuerall plantaccons', in Richard Ligon, A true and exact history of the island of Barbadoes (London, 1657)[1]
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Sourced from an Internet Archive copy
Country profile
Noell family in Barbados, 1648
"27 September. [YEAR?] Depositions by James Cooke of London, merchant aged 50, and Thomas Massam, scrivener aged 28, that William Povey, late of London, merchant, on 19 November 1648 signed a deed to the use of James Martin Stephen and Thomas Noell of Barbados (MCDA)"[2]
Mentions of Barbados in primary sources
Sir George Oxenden correspondence
Law suits
See C6/36/21 f. 1
- George Cock and John Fenn exhibited in Chancery in 1670 a Bill of Complaint against the London merchant John Letten and against Thomas Hobart (alias Hobard), the master of the William (C6/36/21 f. 1). The chancery suit alleged that the ship had been in poor condition, in breach of the charter party, and that their goods as a direct consequence were damaged in transit by water, leading to losses on their attempted sale in Guinea. The charter party had been drawn up on November 1st, 1667, with, as the first party, Cock and another London merchant, James Temple, now deceased, and Letten and Hobart as the second party. The ship was chartered for a triangular trade between London, the Guinea coast and unspecified "Islands in America." The charter party specified the carrying of negroes, so it is likely that the ship was bound from Guinea for Barbados, Jamaica, or another island in the Caribbean under English dominion.
See C6/36/77 f. 2
- "the said defendts Joyntlie say That they beleeve that the said S:r Martin Noell in the Bill named was in his life tyme and att the tyme of his death lawfully seized in his Demeasne as of ffee or of some other ??estate of Inheritance of and in the Moytie or halfe part of the Plantaconn called Hornehall in the Island of the Barbadoes And of and in the Moytie of the Cattle goods and stocke of what nature or Qualitie soever upon the same beinge And of and in the Moyetie and disposall of the Office of ?Secretaryshipp to the Governor and Councell of the said Island of Barbadoes And of the Moytie and the disposall of the Clarkshipp of all the Courts of the said Island and of the Moytie of the ffees and profitts whatsoever X the said Two Offices belonginge or XXXXX appteyninge And ?also was seized in ffee or some other estate of and in one other Plantacon Lands howses and stocks thereupon called Hilcotte lyinge and beinge in the said Island of Barbadoes mortgaged unto him the said S:r Martin Noell by ?Edward ?Bradborne of the said Islands merchant for a greate summe of money oweinge by the said Edward unto the said S:r Martin"
See John Maynard will (Written in 1648)
- "I John Maynard of the Island of Barbados marchant being weake in body but in perfect memory...ITEM my will is that M:r Henry ?Harvey now resident in the Island of Barbados be Overseer of that Plantation and eleven servants belonging unto it, by names Daniell Greene William ?XXfeild John Phillipps William Heale Richard Stricker John Rowland George Moodes Henry Bainard Nathaniell Babey Thomas Clarke John Rider, and fower ??Assandyes being three horses and one mare wherein my selfe and Thomas Bedell of London Lynnen draper liveing South Warke are Joynt partners in it now lying and adioyning unto the Land of M:r Henry Harvey in S:t James parish conteyning the six and twenty acres of land ?fullen and unfullen"[3]
See Martin Noel will (Written in 1665)
- "[Sir Martin Noell of London Knight] ITEM I give and bequeath All that my moyetie of that Plantation in Barbados called Horne Hall in the Joynt and equall right title and inheritance of John Worsam of the said Island and myselfe with all my moyety of the apputenances therein belonging Alsoe all my moyety of all the Christian servants Negroes Cattell goods provisions and stocks of what nature kind of quallitie whatsoever upon or to the said Plantacion belonging and all such goods debts and other things as shall be in the hands of John Lufton of Barbadoes merchant at the tyme of my decease which I allwayes designed for the supply of mye parte of stocke in the said plantacion unto my children Nathaniell Noell Theodore Noell Grace Noell and Eliyabeth Noell"
See John Drax will (Written in 1671)
- "I John Drax of the parish of S:t Michaels in the Island of Barbadoes Gent being sicke and weake but of sound and perfect memory...ITEM I give and bequeath to my honoured Cozen Coll: Cristopher Codrington Deputy Governour of this Island and to his Lady Twenty pounds sterling a peice to buy them mourning...I doe alsoe nominate and appoint the aforesaid Coll: Christopher Codrington and Richard Guy to be my Executors in trust in this said Island of Barbadoes whom I earnestly desire to collect receive and take into theire possession all my estate in this Island and therewith to pay all my just debts in this said Island and the remainder to return to my aforesaid Executors in England...
BARBADOES. This day personall appeared before mee John Gouldingham gent and made oath on the Holy Evangelists to that he did see the above named John Drax deceased signe seale deliver and publish the abovewritten as his last Will and Testament and that he was then in perfect sense and memory to the best of the Deponents knowledge.
This will proved att the request of Cap.t Richard Guy One of the Executors in Trust in the said Will nominated Given under my hand this 8:th day of August 1671
Chr: Codrington
A true Coppy attested the 15:th of August 1671 p Richard Noke Dep:t Serv:t"
See Maurice Thomson will (Written in 1674)
- "[Maurice Thomson of Haversham in the County of Bucks Esquire] ITEM I give bequeath and devise unto my said dearely beloved sonn S:r John Thomson Baronett All my ffreehold mannors Lands Tenements and hereditaments in England Ireland Barbadoes ?Cureco S:t Christophers Virginia the ?Caribie Islands and elsewhere not herein afterwards by mee or otherwise disposed of"
See John Kendall will (Written in 1684)
- "WHEREAS the words and soe his heires was through mistake left out in that paragraph whereinthe above Testator gave all his estate in Jamaica to his brother Cap:t James Kendall It was further declared by M.r John Kendall the aforesaid Testator that it was his free will meaning and Intent that his aforesaid loveing brothers Cap:t James Kendall should hold and enjoy all his estate and plantation in Barbados or America to him and his heires forever"[4]
See Jacob Lucie will (Written in 1686)
- "[Jacob Lucie of the parish of S:t Katherine Coleman London Esquire] FFIRST I gvie and devise unto my deare and loveing daughter Elizabeth Lucie and her heires forever all that my plantation in the Island of Barbadoes which is now managed by Richard Harwood Esq. called the seaven hundred acres als Apters ffarme als Mount Lucie or by whatsoever the same is called or knowne and my stocke belonging to the said plantacon as Negros cattle Coppers Mills Goods comodities implements utensills and all things belonging or appertaining to the said plantation And all that my house at or neare the Bridge in Barbados which was lately built by Roger de ?Hem ?snre deceased at my charge since the late fire in Barbados"
See Richard Beale will (Written in 1702)
- "[Richard Beale Senior, merchant of Hamburg] I give unto Alexander Beale sonne of Alexander Beale late of the Island of Barbados in the West Indies Gent:n deceased ffive hundred pounds Sterling"[5]
See James Kendall will (Written in 1702)
- "[James Kendall, St. Margaret, Westminster, Middlesex] ITEM I give unto my Servant Josiah Smith one hundred pounds All the rest and residue of my Estate both reall and personall whatsoever in the Kingdom of England be the same either in possession Revertion or Remainder and allsoe all my Estate in the Island of Barbadoes now called Kendall plantation with all the Negroe Slaves Cattle horses Coppers Stills and all other Utensills thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining togeather with all the houses and Buildings whatsoever thereon standing And alsoe allsummes of money due to me in the said Island by Bond Judgement or otherwise I give devise and bequeath unto M:rs Walter Colleton the eldest daughter of Coll Thomas Colleton late of the Island of Barbadoes dec:d and to her heires and Assignes for ever"
Suggested image sources
Map of Island of Barbados, Richard Ligon, XXXXXX, viewed 05/07/10
Suggested primary sources
PROB 11/207 Fairfax 1-57 Will of John Maynard, Merchant of Island of Barbados 23 February 1649
PROB 11/338 Eure 1-54 Will of John Drax, Gentleman of Saint Michael Island of Barbados, West Indies 16 January 1672
PROB 11/379 Cann 1–51 Will of John Kendall of Saint Johns Island of Barbados, West Indies 12 February 1685
Suggested secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ 'A topographical description and admeasurement of the Yland of Barbados in the West Indyaes with the names of the seuerall plantaccons', in Richard Ligon, A true and exact history of the island of Barbadoes (London, 1657)
- Jump up ↑ Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants: A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Public Records of Those who Took Ship to the Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic Reasons; of Those who Were Deported for Vagrancy, Roguery, Or Non-conformity; and of Those who Were Sold to Labour in the New .. (XXXX, 1987), p. 261
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/207 Fairfax 1-57 Will of John Maynard, Merchant of Island of Barbados 23 February 1649
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/379 Cann 1–51 Will of John Kendall of Saint Johns Island of Barbados, West Indies 12 February 1685
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/468 Dogg 1-44 Will of Richard Beale, Merchant of Hamburg, Germany 05 January 1703