Tools: HCA 24/113
HCA 24/113
Created page, 13/03/15 by CSG
Item: 155: Casting away of a woman
Folder: 110_10 Image: IMG_3853
The 20th of October 1658.
The Lord Protector and Richard dunney}
against the Jacob of which Edward}
[?Xolmes] is Master and her tackle et cetera}
and against Joos Everson and Edmond}
[?XXXlesse] et cetera, Budd. Smith. (Francklyn Suckley}
Upon which day
Suckley as lawfull
Proctor of and for
the said Joos
Everson and company
did to all intents and
purposes in fact and
lawe in all better wayes
and formes alleadge and
propound articulately as followeth videlicet.
1 Imprimis That the day that the boate in
question which was cast away (wherein the
woman was frowned) was a very stormey and
tempestuous day, and there were three of
the Tredaghs company drowned at Wolwich by
goeing in a boate upon the water the same
day, and a wherry and pinnance were both
cast away that day and the boate wherein
the said woman was drowned had a tilt up
which was exceeding dangerous in such
rough and stromey weather, and some persons
whoe did see the said boate soe upon the
water with a tilt did wonder and say
surely the wateren and company [?concerned]
that woudl adventure withall tilt that day
in such tempestuous weather, And this
was and is true et cetera And hee alleadgeth joyntly
severally and of each particuler.
2 Item That (the wynd blowing very rough) the
said boate with the tilt did goe from the south
shoare which was the place of most safety
Folder: 110_10 Image: IMG_3854
and further into the streame and some persons
that were upon the water seeing of h[?XXX GUTTER]
shee went out and observeing her [?worXX GUTTER
did conclude the watermen were noy able to
mannage her, and seeing the shipp the [?XXX GUTTER]
come downe with the tyde did say they [?were GUTTER]
very fearefull the boate foeing out as [?aforesaid GUTTER]
that it would bee scarse possible for the
shippe to passe by her without endangering
her, and presently after those whoe [?had GUTTER]
seene the said boate soe driven by the
wynde and storme and the shippe come in[?XX GUTTER]
downe did heare a crying out and lookeing [?and GUTTER
beholding the manner of the action did see and
observe the said shippe stay and lough
and doe all that was possible to bee [?done GUTTER]
by men for the preventing of any dammage
or hurt to the said boate or any of th[?ose GUTTER]
therein, And this was and is true et cetera, and
well observed and seene by such as were
upon the water and tooke notice of it at the
same tyme And hee alleadgeth as aforesaid.
3 Item That after the said shippe did lough and
stay the boate did lye under the side of the
shippe and divers of the company of the [?boate GUTTER]
did come out of the boate into the said shipp
and soe might all the company have done
and have beene safe or they might have
gone away with theire boate from the [?ships GUTTER]
side and in all probability have preserved
themselves but those that were in the shipp
went downe into the boate againe and [?XXX GUTTER]
Folder: 110_10 Image: IMG_3855
into her head and the said woman (that was
drowned) and some other of the company being
gott into her head turned her aside and the
shippe drawing the water shee was turned
over and soe the said woman drowned ecause
those in the shippe could not gett her from under
the tilt, but the said casualty and death of the
said woman did happen by the indiscretion
of the watermen goeing with a tilt in such
tempestuous weather and theire lying by the
said shippes side and goeing rashly into the
head of the boate and not by any default of the
shipp or any of her company, And this was
and is true et cetera And hee alleadgeth as aforesaid.
4 Item That all or most of the Company in
the said boate that was soe cast away wherein
the said woman was frowned had beene
drinkeing more than ordinary in and about
Wolwich and at the tyme when they mett
the said shippe, and before, they were takeing
of tobaccoe and were very negligent and
careless and minded little how or where they
went with the said boate, and soe much was
observed abd taken notice of by those that did
see them upon the river, And this was and
is true et cetera And hee alleadgeth as aforesaid.
5 Item that all and singular the premisses were
and are true et cetera.
Semantic Queries
All pages transcribed in calendar year 2014
- HCA 13/65 f.100r Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 29)
- HCA 13/65 f.100v Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 29)
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- HCA 13/65 f.102v Annotate (First transcribed 13 November 3)
- HCA 13/65 f.103r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 31)
- HCA 13/65 f.103v Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 31)
- HCA 13/65 f.104r Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 31)
- HCA 13/65 f.104v Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 31)
- HCA 13/65 f.105r Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 31)
- HCA 13/65 f.105v Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 31)
- HCA 13/65 f.106v Annotate (First transcribed 14 April 1)
- HCA 13/65 f.107r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 10)
- HCA 13/65 f.107v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 10)
- HCA 13/65 f.108r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 10)
- HCA 13/65 f.108v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 10)
- HCA 13/65 f.109r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 10)
- HCA 13/65 f.109v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 10)
- HCA 13/65 f.10r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 1)
- HCA 13/65 f.110r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 25)
- HCA 13/65 f.32v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.33r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.33v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.34r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.34v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.35r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.35v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.36r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.36v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.37r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 11)
- HCA 13/65 f.37v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 14)
- HCA 13/65 f.38v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 15)
- HCA 13/65 f.39r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 14)
- HCA 13/65 f.39v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 14)
- HCA 13/65 f.40r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.41r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.41v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.42r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.42v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.43r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.43v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.44r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.44v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 12)
- HCA 13/65 f.45r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 13)
- HCA 13/65 f.45v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 15)
- HCA 13/65 f.46r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 13)
- HCA 13/65 f.46v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 15)
- HCA 13/65 f.47r Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 13)
- HCA 13/65 f.47v Annotate (First transcribed 14 March 16)
- HCA 13/65 f.50v Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 23)
- HCA 13/65 f.51r Annotate (First transcribed 13 October 23)
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