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SP 28/131/pt5 f.3v Annotate
First transcribed 13 July 2015  +
First transcriber Gavin Robinson  +
Folio 3  +
Parent volume SP 28/131/5  +
Side Verso  +
Status Created page; transcribed  +
Transcription 22o. die Octobris 1642./ by the Commissari22o. die Octobris 1642./ by the Commissaries./ [CENTRE HEADING] Captain Mainwaring [LEFT MARGIN] Jacob ffortrye merchaunt listed one white gelding fur=}<br /> nished with a Carabine, pistolls, buffe Coate and sword}<br /> valued att} 22. 00. 00 Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] Hatton Easton of ffanchurchyard Alley merchauntayler}<br /> listed one bay gelding his Ryder Armed Compleat valued att} 22. 00. 00 24to. Octobris 1642./ [CENTRE HEADING] Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN] John Charles of Colemanstreete brewer, listed one bay gelding}<br /> with a starr in his forehead, furnished with a Carabine a}<br /> Case of pistolls a buffe Coate and a sword valued att} 28. 00. 00 Captain Mainwaring [LEFT MARGIN] Henry Wordington att the Ax in Alderman Berry Inholder}<br /> listed one black browne gelding with a starr his Ryder}<br /> Armed Compleate valued att} 21. 00. 00 Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN] Stephen Beale att the Golden Bell London Bridge Leatherseller}<br /> listed one dapple gray gelding, his ryder Armed Compleate}<br /> valued att} 28. 00. 00 Captain Mainwaring [LEFT MARGIN] George Mosse in Aldermanberry Merchauntayler listed one}<br /> fleabitten gray gelding furnished with a Carabine, a Case of}<br /> pistolls, a buffe Coate and a sword, sadle and furniture valued att} 22. 00. 00 idem [LEFT MARGIN] Ann Sacheverell of Aldersgate streete widdow listed two}<br /> browne bay horses one of them with a bald face and the other with}<br /> a starr, theire Riders armed with Carabines, pistolls, buffe Coates}<br /> and swords both valued att} 60. 00. 00 Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] Allen Snowe att the two Catts in Canninge streete}<br /> Haberdasher listed one gray stoned horse, his ryder Armed}<br /> Compleate valued att} 25. 00. 00 Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN] Roger fflesher of Canningstreete Draper, listed one gray}<br /> gelding furnished with Carabine, pistolls buffe Coate and}<br /> sword valued att} 18. 00. 00 idem [LEFT MARGIN] Nicholas Girard of Watlingstreete Merchauntayler, listed}<br /> one bay gelding with a starr, furnished with Carabine,}<br /> pistolls, buffe Coate and sword valued att} 22. 00. 00 idem [LEFT MARGIN] Richard Masters of Creed lane haberdasher, listed one white}<br /> gelding, furnished with Carabine, pistolls, buffe Coate and sword valued att} 28. 00. 00 Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] John Langley of Cornewall Merchaunt listed one bay gelding}<br /> with 3 white feete and a starr, furnished Compleate and valued att} 22. 00. 00 13 318. 00. 00d valued att} 22. 00. 00 13 318. 00. 00  +
Transcription image <em>(Invalid transcription image)</em>  +
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