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SP 28/131/pt5 f.3r Annotate
First transcribed 13 July 2015  +
First transcriber Gavin Robinson  +
Folio 3  +
Parent volume SP 28/131/5  +
People '''Peter ffountaine''' of ffanchurch "Pet'''Peter ffountaine''' of ffanchurch "Peter Fountaine [Rents] £40"UNIQdb35daf55fa6f9b2-ref-0000038A-QINU "Even more surprising is the appearance of John Tombes in the parish of St. Gabriel Fenchurch in 1644-45, for there were in this parish a number of royalist or court-connected rich merchants: William Courteen, Peter Fountain, George Franklin, John Rushaut, and William Langhorne"UNIQdb35daf55fa6f9b2-ref-0000038D-QINU PROB 11/210/530 Will of Peter Fountayne or Fountaine, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London 18 December 1649<br /> ----<br /> '''Alexander Pollington''' [St Mary Woolnoth Hearth Tax (1666)]"Alexander Pollington 7 hearths"UNIQdb35daf55fa6f9b2-ref-00000390-QINU PROB 11/340/394 Will of Alexander Pollington, Haberdasher of London 25 November 1672 PROB 4/9901 Pollington, Alexander, of St. Mary Woolnoth, London ob. at Hornsey, Middx. 1673 [?] Oct. (1672) 'Pedigree of Pollington,' in Vere Langford Oliver, The history of the island of Antigua, one of the Leeward Caribbees in the West Indies, from the first settlement in 1635 to the present time, vol. 3 (London, 1894), p. 30UNIQdb35daf55fa6f9b2-ref-00000393-QINU<br /> - This pedigree identifies "Alexander Pollington of the 'Three Bells' in Lombard Street, Citizen and haberdasher; owned 'Nowells' in Nuthurst, co. Surrey, and 'Fig Tree,' the'Body,' and 'Pollingtons' in Antigua. Will dated 4 Jan. 1669; proved 25 Nov. 1672. (Eure.). The pedigree identifies his wife as Dorothy (alias Dorothie), living in 1669, and eight children, several of them who were born in St Mary Woolnoth and were buried in Antigua<br /> - Will records "a part of a plantation bought of Marke Mortemer in Monsurrat, & 2 others in Antigua called Figgtree and the Body," which were to be sold and "the proceeds laid out in negros for my other plantation in the Leeward Division of Antigua, now or late in the possession of Master John Frye my overseer"ossession of Master John Frye my overseer"  +
Side Recto  +
Status Created page; uploaded image  +
Transcription 22o. die Octobris 1642. by the Commissarie22o. die Octobris 1642. by the Commissaries. [CENTRE HEADING] Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] Jervis Blackwall Skinner, listed one browne bay stone horse}<br /> furnished with a Carabine pistolls, buffe Coate, and sword}<br /> valued by the Commissaries att} 26. 00. 00 Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN] Richard Hunt Comfettmaker of Bearebinder lane listed one}<br /> white geldinge with furniture, Carabine, pistolls, buffe Coate}<br /> and sword valued att} 22. 00. 00 Captain Mainwaring [LEFT MARGIN] Thomas Snowe of Golding lane, listed one bay stone horse furni=}<br /> shed with a Carabine and pistolls and buffe Coate and a}<br /> sadle and furniture valewed att} 22. 00. 00 Captain Buller [LEFT MARGIN] Edward Stock the younger of Swethins lane by London stone}<br /> Bricklayer listed one bay stone horse with 2 white feete behinde}<br /> furnished with Carabin pistolls, buffe Coate and sword valued att} 22. 00. 00 Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] Richard Gibbs of ffoster lane Goldsmith listed one gray gelding}<br /> with a sadle and furniture a Carabin a Case of pistoles and a Coate}<br /> all valued att} 23. 00. 00 idem [LEFT MARGIN] John Shipsile of Watlingstreete Silkeman, listed one bay geldinge furnished with}<br /> a Carabin a Case of pistolls, a buffe Coate and a sword valued att} 26. 00. 00 Captain Buller [LEFT MARGIN] Zacharie Worth Oyleman of Walbrooke listed one gray}<br /> coloured gelding, furnished with a Carabin, a Case of pistolls}<br /> a buffe Coate and a sword valued att} 20. 00. 00 Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN] Peter ffountaine of ffanchurch listed one browne bay gelding}<br /> furnished with Carabine, pistolls, buffe Coate and sword valued att} 20. 00. 00 idem: [LEFT MARGIN] William Geerish of Saint Thomas Apostles Grocer, listed one Chesnutt}<br /> horse with 3 white feete and a white face, furnished with a}<br /> Carabine, pistolls buffe Coate and sword valued att} 32. 00. 00 idem [LEFT MARGIN] Alexander Pollington listed one black gelding with a snipp and a}<br /> starr, and 2 white feete behinde furnished with a Carabine}<br /> pistolls, a buffe Coate and a sword valued att} 26. 00. 00 Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] ffrauncis Wullie of Cheapeside silkeman, listed one gray}<br /> gelding furnished with a Carabine, pistolls, buffe Coate}<br /> and sword valued att} 22. 00. 00 Captain Mainwaring [LEFT MARGIN] William Crosse merchaunt listed one bay gelding with 3 white feete and}<br /> a starr in the forehead, and one gray gelding theire Riders furnished}<br /> with Carabines, pistolls, buffe Coates and swords, the gray valued}<br /> at 24li and the bay valued att Twenty six pounds, together}<br /> valued att} 50. 00. 00 13 311. 00. 00; valued att} 50. 00. 00 13 311. 00. 00  +
Transcription image [[File:8048122381_9353bcbf1a_o.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/8048122381_9353bcbf1a_o.jpg|[[:SP 28/131/5|SP 28/131/5]] f.3r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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