22do. die Novembris 1642. by the Commissar … 22do. die Novembris 1642. by the Commissaries/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN]
Thomas Bewley of ffanchurch streete Merchaunt, listed one}<br />
white gelding Armed Compleate valued att}
22. 00. 00
Captain Washborne [LEFT MARGIN]
Mris Sara Bridges of Clapham widdowe, listed one white}<br />
fleabitten gelding Armed Compleate valued att}
18. 00. 00
23. Novembris 1642. [CENTRE HEADING]
Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN]
John Lane of Breadstreete Grocer listed one able redd}<br />
Roan horse bare valued att}
30. 00. 00
Richard King att the Spread Eagle in ffosterlane Goldsmith}<br />
listed one browne bay stone horse marked with a starr valued att}
20. 00. 00
24to. die Novembris 1642. [CENTRE HEADING]
Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN]
Robert Meades of Suffolke lane Merchaunt, listed one}<br />
browne bay gelding with a starr valued att}
16. 00. 00
25to. die Novembris 1642. [CENTRE HEADING]
William Austen att the George in Breadstreete Corporall}<br />
to Captaine Harvey listed one bay gelding with a saddle}<br />
and furniture valued att}
15. 00. 00
John Steed of Lambeth gent listed a Carabine, a Case}<br />
of pistolls, a buffe Coate and sword, the said Armes valued att}
10. 00. 00
26. die Novembris 1642 [CENTRE HEADING]
Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN]
Ralph Eave att the Blew Bore in ffryday streete Draper listed one}<br />
white gray horse bare valued att}
15. 00. 00
John Williams ffeltmaker, listed one black nagg valued att 3. 00. 00
21o. die Decembris 1642. [CENTRE HEADING]
Humfrey fford of Little Saint Ellins merchaunt, listed one}<br />
bay gelding bare valued att}
13. 06. 08
22o. die Decembris 1642. [CENTRE HEADING]
Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN]
John Abell gent listed one bay horse with a starr and a}<br />
snipp furnished with a Carabine a Case of pistolls}<br />
and a sadle and furniture, horse and Armes valued att}
24. 00. 00
2o. die Januarii 1642./ [CENTRE HEADING]
2o. Januarii 1642 [LEFT MARGIN]
Captain Buller [LEFT MARGIN]
John Mercer of Tooley streete gent listed one gray gelding furnish=}<br />
ed with a Carabine, a Case of pistolls and a buffe Coate with a sadle and}<br />
furniture all valued att}
16. 00. 00
202. 06. 08 valued att}
16. 00. 00
202. 06. 08 +