First transcribed
15 March 2012 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
2 +
Parent volume
PROB 5 +
Recto +
Requires image; transcribed on 15/03/2012 +
of May in the<br />
Year of our<b … of May in the<br />
Year of our<br />
Lord God One<br />
thousand six hundred<br />
ninety and two by<br />
John Reynolds and<br />
Nathanell Hunt as<br />
followeth vizt<br />
----<br />
===In the Dyning Roome===
IMPRIMIS two Couches<br />
Eleaven other Chaires<br />
and stooles One<br />
Spanish table and<br />
grate and fender<br />
valued and apraized<br />
at the summe of<br />
----<br />
===In the Next Garrett===
<br />
ITEM Two Chaires<br />
One stoole three<br />
Other stryped hangings<br />
and an iron hoopeped hangings<br />
and an iron hoope +
Transcription image
<em>(Invalid transcription image)</em> +
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PROB 5/2301 f.2r Annotate +
, PROB 5/2301 f.2r Annotate +
, PROB 5/2301 f.2r Annotate +
, PROB 5/2301 f.2r Annotate +
, PROB 5/2301 f.2r Annotate +
, PROB 5/2301 f.2r Annotate +
, PROB 5/2301 f.2r Annotate +
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20 October 2017 06:57:03 +