hee this deponent and his contest Phillip … hee this deponent and his contest Phillip Hussey by direction from the<br />
producent George Margets and some of his company went to the arlate<br />
Richard Hampden to his house in Pauls Churchyard London and speaking<br />
with him this deponent told and acquainted him that hee came from the<br />
said owners of the said other fifteene sixteenth parts of the said shipp to<br />
acquaint him that they were resolved to set her out on a voyage for [?XXX]<br />
Lisborne and the Canaries or other maritime places on a voyage and to retourne for London and they had sent<br />
them (speaking of this deponent and the said hussey) to acquaint him thereof<br />
and to know if hee would contribute his share to his said<br />
sixteenth part towards such her setting out, which hee said hee would<br />
and willed them to goe on therein, and that hee would be accomptabblle<br />
for his said part or share, according to what should be laid out, [?XX]<br />
the said Margets and company upon retourne of the said Hampdens [?said]<br />
answer went on and did fitt and furnish her for the said voyage<br />
and discharged soe much money thereabouts as that a thirteenth part<br />
thereof (being the share payable by the said hampden) came to 32 ''li'' 3 ''s''<br />
tenn pence, which hee knoweth because this deponent<br />
kept and hath now with him the account of the said shipps setting out<br />
the said voyage, and findeth the said share to be accordingly. And<br />
for the explanation of his meaning and information of this Court touching<br />
his having said that the said Hampden was owner of a sixteenth<br />
and yet his proportion of the [?charges] to be 32 ''li'' - 3 ''s'' and 10 ''d'', which<br />
after the rate of a thirteeneth part hee declareth that albeit the sayd<br />
Hampden have (as is said) a bill of sale only for a sixteenth part, yet upon<br />
failer of one other of the owners, and the part or share of such other persons<br />
failing being shared amongest the other owners, the part of the said Hampden<br />
by that meanes came to a thirteenth part or proportion and his share of <br />
the charges answerable. Et alr nescit.
Vide 27 folium sequitur
Nathaniell Morecocke [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]
26. Octobris 1660
Quoad The ''Experience''}<br />
Super Allegatione arlata
'''ffranciscus Beyer''' parochia de All Hallows<br />
Lumbardstreet Mercator annos agens<br />
25 aut eo circiter testis productus juratus<br />
et examinatus dicit et deponit [XXX]<br />
sequitur, videlicet.
Ad jum Arlum dia Allonis dicit that for and during all the<br />
moneths of ay, June, July, August, September, October,<br />
November, December, January, ffebruary and march<br />
in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fifty nine and<br />
during the moneths of March, Aprill and May in the<br />
yeare 1660. The producents Thomas Bretton, Symon Delboe,<br />
Andrew Middleton, Giles Travers, Abraham Sayon, [?Robert]<br />
Biddulph ad John Godschalke (wall well knowne to this<br />
deponent) were the true lawfull and sole owners and<br />
proprietors of the Arlate ship the ''Experience'' (namely each<br />
man owner of one seaventh part of her) and of the tackle,<br />
apparrell and furniture; And soe are and ought to be<br />
thend soe are and ought to be<br />
the +