To the 5th hee saith that since the Warrs … To the 5th hee saith that since the Warrs betweene this<br />
Comonwealth. and the King of Spaine and especially<br />
in the monethes of Aprill, may, and June 1658 in regard<br />
it is dangerous for any subject of the Comonwealth of<br />
England to trade to the said Canary Ilands or other Dominions<br />
of the King of Spaine in their owne propper names<br />
The said Robbles. to avoid danger of the seizing and<br />
surprizing of his goods, and merchandizes by the King of<br />
Spaine or his subjects. hath and doth trade in the<br />
said Canary Ilands under the fictitious name of Adrian<br />
Turin, and hath and doth there goe (as hee beleeveth) under the said fictious<br />
name of Adrian Turin, and his wines, and merchandizes<br />
have bin sent unto him from thence to this Port of<br />
London, and Consigned to him under the said fictitious<br />
name of Adrian Turin, and his Letters, Invoices and<br />
advises, have bin sent unto him from his foresaid<br />
factors at the Canaryes. to London under the said ffictitious<br />
names, and hee the said Antonio Rodriguez Robbles. hath<br />
sent Advises, Letters, and Invoices to the said Canary<br />
Ilands from this Port, under the said fained name of<br />
Adrian Turin, Which hee knoweth for that hee hath<br />
often times seene the said Producent Antonio Rodriguez<br />
Robbles. subscribe, and write the said fictitious and fained<br />
name of Adrian Turin to such letters and dispatches and further deposeth not./.
To the 6th hee saith that in the moneth of June 1658.<br />
and at the time of the Lading of the arlate Ninety fowre<br />
pypes of wines and the other goods in question aboard the<br />
arlate ship the ''Saint Laurence'', at the Canaryes and for the [?said GUTTER]<br />
fower yeeres last or thereabouts the arlate Simon da he[rrera GUTTER]<br />
Liva, was, and is at this present the ffactor or Agent of<br />
the said Antonio Rodriguez Robbles, att the Canarye<br />
Ilands, which said da herrera Liva (as hee beleeveth and as the letters from him hee hath [XXX GUTTER] laded the said wines<br />
and goods in question on board the said ship, at the said<br />
Ilands, And saith that in the yeeres 1656. and 1657. and<br />
before, the said Robbles did send or cause to be sent<br />
for his owne proper account and Adventure severall goods<br />
wares, and Merchandizes, from England and holland<br />
to the said Simon da herrera Liva at the Canaryes, to a<br />
very great Vallue, and the said Robbles had given the<br />
said da herrera Liva, order to sell and dispose of the same<br />
and to invest the proceed thereof in wines, and other goods<br />
and send the same to this Port of London, for his the said<br />
Robbles owne Account, And the said goods soe sent by the<br />
(saidid goods soe sent by the<br />
(said +