of ffebruary or before the Gallions were p … of ffebruary or before the Gallions were provided, their designe would<br />
be lost and overthrowne, and that this deponents maine aime was to<br />
get to Cadiz and Malaga before the Gallions were gonne or provided<br />
or the [?XXX] spent that soe hee might come with the said lading to a good<br />
market, or to the same effect, howbeit the said Wyngaerts not regarding<br />
such pressing and urging of this deponent, neglected and lost oportunities<br />
of winde and weather, as if hee had purposely intended to retard the<br />
said voyage, of this deponents knowledge, And soe likewise in comming<br />
from Cadiz for London hee forstowed and neglected his passage and<br />
lost oportunities as aforesaid, soe that hee was longer in comming with<br />
the said shipp (then otherwise hee needed to have bin) by the space of<br />
six or seaven dayes or thereabouts.
To the 23th and last articles hee saith that in the whole voyage the said Wyngaerts<br />
spent more time and was longer in performing the same than<br />
hee needed to have bin by the space of foure monethes, which delay<br />
hee (as this deponent conceiveth) purposely sought and [?more]<br />
because his shipp was freighted by the moneth. And saith tha the<br />
said hopkins, dunster, Gregory and company by reason of the<br />
many and severall neglects, omissions and misdemeanours of the said<br />
Wyngaerts the said voyage and his loosing opportunities of winde and<br />
weather, insufficiencie of his shipp., losse of markets by his meanes<br />
and other his miscarriages the said voyage, have suffered losse and damage<br />
to the summe and valew of five thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts in his estimation<br />
And further deposeth not.
[?Repetit] cora, doctor Exton [?surrogate]
John ham[?eltoune] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The nineteenth of September 1660. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
'''Rp. 2dus:'''
'''Roger Halden''' of Amsterdam Mariner aged 27 yeares or<br />
thereabouts sworne and examined saith as followeth.
To the articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee very<br />
well knoweth the shipp the ''Golden Sun'' and Adolph Wingaerts her master<br />
mentioned in the said allegation, and that this deponent in the shipp ''Lionesse''<br />
of Amsterdam (whereof hee was Gunner) was in the Bay of Cadiz when<br />
the said shipp the ''Golden Sun'' under conduct of the said Wingaerts arived<br />
there, which was in or about the beginning of May last past (old stile), And saith<br />
that there the Commannder of the ''lionesse'' after arivall<br />
of the ''Golden Sun'' having occasion to weigh anchor to goe out to sea off<br />
Saint Lucars, did for some time borrow certaine of the said Wingarts men<br />
and while they were aboard the ''Lionesse'' this deponent heard some of them<br />
namely John Gazet a ffrenchman William Hach, Michall de Lea and<br />
John Bryan (in discoursing with this deponent and other of company of the ''lionesse''<br />
about the ''Golden Suns'' voyage and the cause of her being soe long on [?XXXX]<br />
ere shee came to Cadiz) lay fault on their master (speaking<br />
of the said Wingaerts) for delaying the said voyage, and in particular this deponent<br />
asking the said ffrenchman how it could come to passe that they were foure<br />
monethes in comming from Amsterdam to Ireland (as this deponent<br />
said hee had heard they were) the said ffrenchman made answer that it<br />
was the masters negligence, and that it was [?XXXXX], and that they might have<br />
made two voyages in the same space of time, if they had toke oportunitie of winde<br />
and weather which their master as hee said neglected upon the coast of England<br />
And this deponent demannding of the said ffrenchman if hee (comming from<br />
Irelandn if hee (comming from<br />
Ireland +