Captaines, and if they doe not, they are s … Captaines, and if they doe not, they are subject to be put out<br />
of their places./:
To the 3.d hee saith that hee knoweth not by whose order the<br />
said Winter did doe the foresaid things, but verily beleeveth that<br />
the said Whetston countenanced the said Winter therein.
To the hee saith that hee this Deponent was not one of those<br />
that seized upon the said Winter neither doth hee knowe<br />
how hee was seized or what was taken from him./:
To the 5th hee saith that none of the goods whatsoever that were<br />
in either of the said seized Ships came to the hands of this<br />
rendent and further cannot Answer/:
To the 6th hee saith hee knoweth nothing of the Person<br />
To the hee saith hee knoweth not how long the said Winter<br />
was in Custody. and otherwise negatively./.
To the last hee saith that hee never sawe the Instructions<br />
Interrate read or delivered to the said Winter:/:
Repetit coram duo Judicante.
----<br />
15 July 1660.<br />
My Account made up htherto to the Judge and Register.<br />
----<br />
The of July 1660./: [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the said Allegation./.
'''Jeffrey Peirce''' of Horsey downe in<br />
the County of Surry mariner late Comander<br />
of the ''Guiney Frigot'' aged 37 yeeres or<br />
thereabouts sworne and Examined:/:
To the first of the said Articles hee saith that it is publique<br />
and notorious that for all the yeere 1658. and for some yeeres<br />
before, and some time since there hath bin warr and hostility<br />
at Sea used and practised betweene the English and Spaniards<br />
and they have during the said warr taken and seized the ship<br />
and goods of each other as Prize, and soe much is well knowne to<br />
the arlate william winter./
To the second hee saith that for and during all the yeere<br />
1658 Captaine John Stoakes was (by the then authority of this<br />
Nation) Admirall or Comander in cheife in the medeterranian<br />
Parts of a Squadron of Ships consisting of Tenn saile, one of<br />
them being called the ''ffairfax ffrigot'', and hee the said<br />
Stoakes had power to keepe them all together or divide them<br />
as hee should finde most expedient and this hee saith is publique<br />
and notorious being then an Officer in the said Fleete And further<br />
cannot depose./.e And further<br />
cannot depose./. +