Samuell Waie John ffirth harbert and other … Samuell Waie John ffirth harbert and others of the sayd shipps company called<br />
out to the persons aforenamed soe in the longe boate, and standing in the mayne<br />
[?chaynes] of the shipp with his M[XXXtero] Capp in his hand desyred them<br />
not to goe away in the longe boate, but to come aboard the shipp<br />
againe and helpe to defende her as longe as might hee and promised them<br />
that when shee could bee noe longer defended hee and they would goe all togeather<br />
in the long boate and make her uselesse to the enymie, but the sayd parties aforenamed<br />
deserted their stations in the sayd shipp and left the sayd captaine and this<br />
deponent and the sayd Bishopp [?W]ay ffitch harper and others of the sayd shipps<br />
shipps (sic) company engaged in the defence of the sayd shipp and carried away<br />
the longe boate pretending they would send somebody back with it againe when they<br />
were escaped to shoare, but did not send the same againe, by meanes<br />
whereof the said Captaine Browne and the rest of the Company who stayed<br />
with him and defended the sayd shipp, (for that they had only a<br />
smale boate or two to preserve thm selves in after they had continued the<br />
defence of her a while longer) were constrayned also to desert and leave<br />
her, not daring to fyre or sinke her as they determined to have done<br />
for feare of perishing in her for want of the longe boate to carry them<br />
selves ashoare in, by which meanes hee saith the ''hercules'' became a prize<br />
to the dutch who after the Captaine and those who stayed with him had<br />
betaken them selves to the smale boates seized and boarded the sayd shipp<br />
''hercules'' and possessed themselves of her and her ordinance and gott<br />
her off from ground and carried her away to the strengthening of their<br />
fleete and hurt and preiudice of their State and Commonwealth of England<br />
which they could not have done if the persons aforesayd had not<br />
deserted her and carried the long boate away with them, but the sayd Captaine<br />
Browne and all her Company might if they had stayed with the long<br />
boate, have fyred or suncke the sayd shipp after they had<br />
defended it soe long as they could, and then have all gotten to shoare<br />
in the longe boate, and the sayd smale boates without hurt or dammage<br />
And further hee cannot depose not remembring whether the arlate<br />
Symon Greene and John Te[XX]ter went<br />
away in the sayd longe boate or not and knowing that Peter Thomas continued in the<br />
[XXXXX] after the Long boate was gone and was left behinde on board when the dutch seized her and knowing that
[# LH MARGIN, VERTICAL TEXT] Robert Marlorow arlate did also stay with the Captaine and came ashoare at the<br />
same tyme the Captaine did in one of the smale boates
To the 9th article hee saith the ''hercules'' at her seizure was (in this deponents<br />
Judgment) of the burthen of fower hundred and fifty Tonnes or<br />
thereabouts, and her tackle and furniture and provisions shee had in her for sixe moneths which was taken in but a little, before at Portsmouth were then worth in this deponents<br />
Judgment the summe fower thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts And<br />
further to this article hee cannot depose./
To the last article hee saith That the ''herculoes'' at the tyme of her seizure<br />
was a shipp lett by her Owners to freight to [XXXX] this State for a man of<br />
warr And in case shee had bin destroyed by fyre or sunke soe that the<br />
enymie might not have enioyed her, (hee beleeveth) the state would<br />
haveeleeveth) the state would<br />
have +