Companie by reason of the losse of their s … Companie by reason of the losse of their said wages money goods<br />
and cloathes to them belonging have sustained losse and dammage to<br />
the summe or value of one thousand pounds sterling as aforesaid<br />
And further hee saith hee cannot depose
Repeated before the Judges in Court:-
Anthony [?ffels] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
March the 16th <u>1656:</u>
'''Arthur Perkins''' of Wapping in the County of<br />
Middlesex Mariner Late Master of the said shipp the<br />
''Sarah'', aged 44 yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse<br />
sworne and examined upon the said Allegation saith<br />
as followeth.
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth the shipp<br />
''Sarah'' arlate and hath knoweth her ever since about the beginning of January<br />
one thousand sixe hundred fiftie five about which tyme and during all the tyme<br />
arlate the Arlate humfrey Beane and company were and at present<br />
ought to be the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the shipp the<br />
''Sara'' aforesayd and of his tackle and furniture this hee the better knoweth for<br />
that Mr Robert LLewellin [?sole] freighter of the sayd shipp for voyage<br />
in question did in the sayd moneth of January 1656 hire the sayd shipp of the<br />
sayd Beane (as being one of his Owners) for the sayd voyage and for that<br />
hee this deponent was imployed by the sayd LLewellin to goe and did goe both<br />
Master and Supracargo of the sayd shipp the sayd voyage which was from London<br />
to Guinney and thence to Barbados or Virginia and thence to London again And<br />
further to this article hee cannot depose.
To the second hee saith hee cannot of his certayne knowledge depose any<br />
thing thereto for that hee never sawe the shipp ''Ropahannack'' from a little<br />
before her departure from London upon the voyage in question till hee sawe her<br />
seizure neere Cape Lopez Gonzalees in Guinney.
To the 3 article hee saith hee goeing Master and Supracargo of the ''Sarah'' as aforesayd<br />
thereby well knoweth that the sayd Mr LLewellin in having at London hyred the sayd<br />
shipp for the sayd shipp voyage and taken to freight did there lade and putt aboard her<br />
a Cargo of goods for his own Account consisting of Copper Barrs, [?Baroges] Beades Iron and East<br />
India stuffs and other goods to be there transported to Guinney and there bartered away<br />
for Negroes and Elephants teeth and other Commodities, and the Negroes soe gott in<br />
barter to bee thence carried to Virginia or Barbadoes and there to bee sold and<br />
disposed of for the use and accompt of the sayd Robert LLewillin, with with which goods so laden there aboard<br />
bartered away at Guinney in like manner for Negroes and Elephants teeth to bee<br />
sold in manner aforesayd, the sayd shipp sett sayle from Gravesend (bound for<br />
Guinney) the first day of ffebruary one thousand sixe hundred fifty five, and<br />
arrived in safely at Guinnney about the latter end of Aprill or beginning<br />
of May one thousand sixe hundred fifty five, the premisses hee the better knoweth<br />
for the reasons aforesayd.
To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that after the arrivall of the sayd<br />
shipp at Guinney hee this deponent did as Master and Supracargoe or ffactor<br />
for the sayd voyage, traffique there and barter away the greatest part of<br />
the sayd outward ladeing, for Negroes and Elephants teeth, and did procure<br />
for the goods bartered away, one hundred and fifty Negroes, and eight hundred<br />
pounds worth sterling money of Elephants teeth, videlicet one hundred fiftie two Negroes<br />
and five hundred pounds worth of Elephants teeth for Account of the sayd LLewellin<br />
andount of the sayd LLewellin<br />
and +