To the thirteenth hee saith hee cannot dep … To the thirteenth hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the 14th hee cannot depose.
To the 15th hee cannot depose.
To the 16th hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid.
To the 17th hee saith that the said James Bridgman Thomas<br />
Preston and company owners of the said shipp were to have had and<br />
received for freight of this said shipp the said voyage to the coast of<br />
Guinney, thence to the East India's thence to dantzike (sic) (whether<br />
shee was to have gonne from the East Indas in case shee could goe the [?XXXXX] of the [?wester] Islands by the last of August next and thence to London<br />
the summe of three thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts,<br />
and soe much the same would have amounted unto upon the<br />
said shipps arivall in this port.
To the last hee saith that the said shipp the ''Lyon and Providence''<br />
and her tackle apparell and furniture with her provisions<br />
on board her at the said time of their said surprizall and<br />
seizure, were worth the summe of five and twenty hundred pounds sterling<br />
in this deponents estimation:-
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
The seaventh of March 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]
Exámined upon the fore said allegation.
'''Rp. 4'''
'''Richard Maxwell''' of Crutched ffryeres London Merchant<br />
aged 24 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined
To the first article hee saith the producents James Bridgeman and<br />
Thomas Preston and company were the time arlate the true and<br />
lawfull owners and proprietors of the shipp the ''Lyon and Providence''<br />
arlate and for such commonly accounted.
To the second article hee saith and deposeth that about thirteene<br />
monethes since the said shipp was set out and proceeded from this<br />
port of London on a voyage for the coast of Guiney, thense for the<br />
parts of East India, and thense (in case shee could in her retourne<br />
come to the height of the wester Islands betwixt Aprill and August<br />
now next comming) shee was to goe for dantzicke and thence to come<br />
for London, and all this on a trading voyage, and that the articulate<br />
Alderman William Thomson and Maurice Thomson tooke an hundred<br />
and fiftie tonnes of the said shipp to freight for the said voyage, and<br />
did in this port upon their tonnage lade a good quantitie of<br />
Marchandize to the full complamant of their said tonnage, consisting<br />
in iron, Silesia linnens, sheets, knives and other commodities, to be<br />
carried on the coast of Guiney and there to be sold and bartered away for<br />
gold, and the said shipp arived (therewith at Carmantine where the<br />
same were bartered away accordingly, which hee knoweth because hee<br />
this deponent went their factor in the said shipp.
To the third article hee saith and deposeth that the said voyage this<br />
deponent factor aforesaid of the said Alderman and Maurice Thomson<br />
did at Cormantine upon barter for the said exported goods, take<br />
and receive aboard the said shipp to and for their use and account<br />
ninetie their use and account<br />
ninetie +