of goods happening by their neglect, and o … of goods happening by their neglect, and otherwise cannot answer<br />
saving as aforesaid.
To the second hee saith that there is an allowance of a certaine dutie in the said<br />
Brazila voyages to the master and company, under the name of or<br />
terme of '''Gindage''', which is there usually paid to the master and<br />
company, as primage and average are in England; and saith<br />
that at such time of his being at Lisbone, there was noe obligation<br />
on the master and company for dammage happening to the goods<br />
in the voyage, but the same was usually laid upon the goods in a generall<br />
average, and therefore they had noe other allowance but their<br />
wages and gindage, saving that some owners have allowed the<br />
Commanders a gratuitie to the valew of fiftie pounds or thereabouts<br />
according to the burthen of the shipp, and that was for his<br />
extraordinary paines and hazard; And otherwise hee cannot answer.
To the third hee saith that the Hollanders being more potent at sea<br />
than the other nations interrogated, and the Portugueses being weake at sea,<br />
the English shipps serving the Portugueses in the foresaid voyages saile<br />
in more hazard and danger, than those that serve the other nations<br />
interrogated. And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving as aforesaid,<br />
and saving hee saith that Brazila is a place whereto wormes<br />
much eate and destroy the shipping, and the heate of the climate<br />
is very destructive to the shipping, and therefore the weare and<br />
teare are the greater.
To the fourth hee cannot answer.
To the 5th hee saith hee doth not knowe of any such treatie<br />
betweene master and owner, saving for the shipp ''hanibal'' of<br />
London, which being a shipp of greate burthen and her owners<br />
intending to send her for Portugall there to be freighted for<br />
the Brazila, they to prevent any future differences declared<br />
to the commander that hee should not pretend to the average<br />
for that voyage in case of proceeding thereupon, but hee<br />
insisting to have a part thereof, the owners thereupon altered<br />
their intention of sending her for Portugall, and ordered him<br />
the said commander to lay her in for Italy, howbeit hee<br />
saith that in such treatie, the owners would have given him<br />
some allowance out of the average or otherwise as an incouragement<br />
to ge the said Portugall voyage. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the sixth hee saith that formerly '''fiansa''' hath usually<br />
bin given on behalfe of the commander and shipp for their<br />
retourne from Brazila back to Lisbone, and such<br />
'''fiansa''' hath usually bin entred or given by the owners or<br />
their factors on their behalfe at Lisbone, who habe procured<br />
the said voyage, And saith that severalll English shipps went<br />
the said voyage before the interrogated dobbins, And otherwise hee cannot<br />
answer saving as aforesaid.
To the 7th hee referreth himselfe to what hee hath predeposed<br />
ando what hee hath predeposed<br />
and +