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HCA 13/71 f.534r Annotate
First transcribed 28 October 2012  +
First transcriber Philip Hnatkovich  +
Folio 534  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/10/2012  +
Transcription cleered as bound for the Barbadoes, but thcleered as bound for the Barbadoes, but the sayd Maurice told<br /> this deponent that hee did beleeve shee was bound for Virginia though shee<br /> were entered as bound to the Barbadoes And further to these articles hee<br /> cannot depose To the 3: 4th 5th 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee<br /> hath by letters of Advice from his freinds and correspondents in<br /> Virginia) bin informed that the sayd Phillipp Ewer arrived with his<br /> sayd shipp in Virginia about the latter end of Aprill or beginning of May<br /> one thousand sixe hundred fifty five And further to these articles hee<br /> cannot depose./ To the 8th and 9th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith saving his<br /> foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./ To the 10th and 11th hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee heard the sayd Watts<br /> the producent in the yeares 1654 or 1655 saye that hee had taken tonnage for<br /> Tobaccoe in the sayd Ewers shipp and that hee had given notice thereof to<br /> the arlate Samuell Mathews his Correspondent at Virginia And saith<br /> that the sayd Mathews did in the sayd yeare 1655 send home in the<br /> Shipps the ''Seaven Sisters'' and the ''Charles'' of London forty hogsheades of<br /> tobaccoe, in each twenty which hee verily beleeveth the sayd Mathews<br /> (having notice that the sayd Watts had taken tonnage in the sayd<br /> Ewers shipp) would haue laden on board the sayd Ewers shipp if<br /> shee had come thither in due tyme and soe soone in the yeare as other shipps<br /> did And further to this article hee cannot depose/ To the 12th article hee saith that hee this deponent is by profession of<br /> a Merchant and hath traded to Virginia for Tobaccoe for these twelve yeares<br /> or thereaboutes last past and thereby knoweth that it is usuall with such as are<br /> traders in tobaccoe there and have any by them to send their tobaccoes by<br /> when March is past by any shipps they can, or if noe shipps bee<br /> bound for England bee then there then to barter it away to any that will<br /> take it for the like quantitie of tobaccoe to bee paid them the next yeare<br /> following or send the same for New England, rather then keepe it in Virginia<br /> after March is past, by reason it is a Commoditie which with the heate<br /> of the Country in Virginia will bee spoiled if it bee kept after the<br /> Moneth of March next following after the yeare wherein it<br /> groweth And further to this article hee cannot depose./ To the 13th hee saith hee knoweth that severall Shipps bound to Virginia<br /> did enter into Charterparty in September and October 1654 and that the<br /> sayd shipps were cleered at Gravesend and departed thence before the end<br /> of November next following, and arrived as this deponent hath bin by<br /> letters informed in Virginia in the Moneths of January and or ffebruary<br /> next following and came home some<br /> of them of this deponents knowledge without any dead freight<br /> and soe might the sayd Ewers shipp have done as hee verily beleeveth if shee had come<br /> to Virginia in due tyme as other shipps did And further hee cannot depose/ Topps did And further hee cannot depose/ To  +
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