The eighteenth day of September 1656.
On … The eighteenth day of September 1656.
On the behalfe of Mr Stanier}<br />
and others touching the ''Saint Phillip''}
'''Smyth dt.'''
'''Ezekiel Lampen''' of London Merchant aged two and<br />
twenty yeares or thereabouts and '''Robert Demetrius''' of<br />
the same citie of London Merchant, aged twenty five<br />
yeeres or thereabouts, sworne before the right Worshipfull<br />
John Godolphin doctor of lawes and Charles George<br />
Cock Esquire Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie<br />
of England say and deposeth by vertue of their oathes.
That the shipp the ''Saint Philip'' (called of Amsterdam) of the burthen<br />
of two hundred and fiftie tonnes or thereabouts (whereof is to goe master under<br />
Gad William Josp nowe bound from Amsterdam for Ireland and<br />
to lade fish and thense into the Streights, was about a moneth since<br />
bought at Amsterdam by the order and for the proper account of<br />
Peter Vandeput, James Stanier, Roger hatton, and Ralph Lee<br />
Englishmen and merchants residing in London, and subiects of the<br />
Commonwealth of England, and was and is wholly and really<br />
belonging to them and to noe other person or persons, and that they<br />
bought her for the summe of eight thousand, seaven hundred and<br />
fiftie gilders, for the payment of which moneys, bills of exchange<br />
from Amsterdam have bin drawne upon them and by them accepted,<br />
which they knowe to be true because they being servants to mr James<br />
Stanier aforesaid, and writing in his counting house and keeping<br />
his bookes and cash have seene his letters of dispatch touching his<br />
the order given for his said buying the said shipp, and<br />
the answers thereunto from Amsterdam, and the bills of exchange<br />
aforesaid, and well knowes the said foure merchants to be sole<br />
Proprietors of the said shipp.
Ezechiel Lampen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]<br />
Robert Demetrius [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 22th of September 1656.
On the behalfe of Gerrard LLoyd and companie}<br />
touching the losses sustained by the king}<br />
of Spaine, and his subiects. Suckley}
'''Francis Thoris''' of London Merchant<br />
aged 48 yeeres or thereabouts sworne (as<br />
in the acts of Court) and examined upon<br />
certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe<br />
of the said Gerrard Lloyd and companie<br />
saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well<br />
knoweth the interrogated Gerrard LLoyd and hath soe donne for theise<br />
five yeeres last or thereabouts, and alsoe well knoweth that in the yeares<br />
1653, 1654 and 1655 and for some space before the said Gerrard LLoyd<br />
and companie had a very greate trade at Sevill in Spaine, and there<br />
kept a house and familie, and had at Sevill and otherparts in Spaine<br />
very greate commerce and traffique by way of Merchandize, which heetraffique by way of Merchandize, which hee +