being as aforesaid on board the said frenc … being as aforesaid on board the said french Vice Admirall, heard some of her Companie<br />
say that their Owners videlicet the Owners and imployers of the said fower french<br />
shipps were able enough and must as they beleeved pay for the said shipp and wynes<br />
And that they the said french shipps in their Course from ffrance had mett with<br />
other English shipps, one whereof they had taken and had dismissed or lett her<br />
goe against, having onely taken away her boate, which, as they said and showed to this<br />
deponent was a litle boate they then had belonging to the said Vice Admirall, and they<br />
further said that the reason for which they tooke the said shipp the ''Endeavour'' and<br />
her ladeing was for that they wanted their necessarie Provisions of wynes, and<br />
that they had stayed severalle daies at Rochell in expectation of letters of Marque<br />
against the English, but could not obtaine them, or words to that effect. And<br />
further cannot depose:-/
To the 8th article of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent being as aforesaid<br />
aboard the said French Vice Admirall heard some of her Companie say and affirme<br />
that the said French shipps should have gone to some Port or place in Portugall<br />
there to have taken in their Provisions of wyne necessarie for their intended<br />
Voiage, but that they were hindered from soe doeing by contrary wind and weather<br />
and thereupon came purposely towards the Canaries hopeing thereabouts to meet<br />
with shipps laden with wynes, it being then a fitt season of the yeare for such their<br />
designe or words to that effect. And further he saith hee cannot depose:-/
To the 9th article hee he saith, That a Companie of the said french shipp or shipps which surprized<br />
and tooke the said shipp ''Endeavour'', did take and plunder from the said shipps companie<br />
the best part of their cloathes together with their Sea instruments and private<br />
Adventures which they had on bord, whereby they were utterly deprived of the<br />
Same. Which hee knoweth to bee true for that hee was an Eyewittnesse thereof<br />
And further cannot depose:-/
To the 10th hee saith, That hee knoweth nothing of the valew of the said shipp<br />
''Endeavour'' nor of the fraight due for her voiage and imployment aforesaid<br />
but hath credibly heard and beleeveth, that the wages due to the said Companie<br />
were 50 ''li'' sterling or thereabouts per moneth, which in eight moneths<br />
amounted to 400 ''li'' sterling or thereabouts, and beleeveth that the private<br />
adventures in the said shipp to the Mariners thereof belonging did amount to<br />
the summe or valew of three hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts, they<br />
having severall of them pipes, and other quarter caskes some more, some less of wyne on board.<br />
And further hee cannot depose:-/
To the 11. 12. and 13th articles hee saith hee knoweth not the valew of the said pipes of wyne<br />
nor what they would have yielded here at London, neither knoweth hee how<br />
much the Owners of the said shipp or ladeing are respectively dammfied by<br />
the surprizall and detention of the same. And further cannot depose.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
William tusten [SIGNATURE, RH SIGN]
The 23rd day of June <u>1656.</u> Examined upon the said Allegation/
'''Henry Teate''' of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner<br />
late Gunner of the said shipp the ''Endeavour'' aged 45. yeares<br />
or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined saith as<br />
followeth videlicet:/
To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent<br />
hath knowne the shipp the ''Endeavour'' arlate for about 4. or five yeares last<br />
(pastt 4. or five yeares last<br />
(past +