To the 4th hee saith that all masters and … To the 4th hee saith that all masters and companies have their<br />
wages besides their said accustomed averages both in the said voyage betwixt<br />
Lisbone and the Brazila, and all other voyages, and hee never<br />
knew any saile or goe otherwise
To the 5th hee hath not predeposed.
To the 6th hee saith that the same average as aforesaid hath bin allowed and paid<br />
to masters by merchants living at Lisbone for voyages betwixt th[?at] and Brazila<br />
though the said merchants have themselves bin part owners of the<br />
same shipps, and were themselves parties to the making of Charterparties, And<br />
otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the 7th negatively for his part, and otherwise cannot answear.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
the first of July 1656.
Complin against Brandlin.}
Examined upon the Libell
'''Rp. 8us'''
'''Samuel Reynolds''' of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the<br />
East London, Marchant, aged 42 yeeres or<br />
thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the second article of the said Libell (upon which allegation hee is by<br />
direction of the producent examined) And saith and deposeth that<br />
the 17th of October 1653 there were laden and were aboard the<br />
hoy the ''Primrose'' whereof William Marsh was master, and which was<br />
then lying at dice key outwards bound for Ipswich, one chest of<br />
Sugar, five hogsheads of tobaccoe, one basket packt (the contents hee<br />
knoweth not) and and another basket containing druggs, and saith the<br />
said goods were to be transprted for Ipswich (in the said vessell)<br />
and there to be delivered to Titus Camplin to whom they were directed<br />
and were marked '''TC''' [MERCHANTS MARK, WITH "C" ACROSS "T"], but who laded the said goods, or the valew or<br />
cost thereof hee saith hee knoweth not; the premisses touching such<br />
their being aboard hee saith hee knoweth, because hee this deponent<br />
being wharfanger of dice key, sawe and tooke notice in<br />
writing (in his booke) of the same, and hath nowe a note thereof<br />
with him which hee saith hee tooke out of his booke. And otherwise<br />
hee cannot depose.
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee cannot answer
To the second concerneth him not.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
The second of July 1656.
On the behalfe of John Tivall of London}<br />
Merchant and John Page of Plimouth}<br />
Marchant touching the seizure of their}<br />
goods by ffrench in the shipp ''Noahs Arke''}
'''( X.'''
'''John Bellamy''' of the parish of<br />
All hallowes Barking London,<br />
wine cooper, aged 36 yeeres or<br />
thereabouts, sworne as in the<br />
Acts of Court and exámined<br />
upon certaine Interrogatories mimistred on<br />
the behalfe of the said John Tivell and<br />
John Page, saith as followeth.
Tor />
John Page, saith as followeth.
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