The 15th of February 1655:/ … '''{A}A.2.'''
The 15th of February 1655:/
Keate Jennings and others against}<br />
ffrederick Chowne and others Smith Bud}
Examined upon an Allegation, given<br />
ánd administred the first of ffebruary<br />
1655. on the behalfe of the said Keate<br />
and Jennings etcetera./:-
'''George Browne''' of Limehouse in the County of<br />
Middlesex Mariner aged 60. yeares or thereabouts<br />
a Wittnes sworne and examined saith as followeth
To the 4th Article of the said Allegation hee saith That hee this deponent<br />
having for many yeares been a Mariner and Master of a shipp frequen=<br />
ting and using the trade of Turkey and particularly of Ciprus arlate<br />
well knoweth, That Ciprus cotton woolls are usually and ordinarily<br />
putt in very great baggs, which cannot be stowed without very great<br />
paines and difficulty more especially when a shipp draweth nere to<br />
her full lading, having already receaved the most considerable part<br />
quantity of her cargo, And saith that upon the same grounds of<br />
experience hee well knoweth and affirmeth for a truth well knowne<br />
to Masters and Mariners using that trade, that fortie fower<br />
men aboard a shipp of two or three hundred tunns or thereabouts<br />
having already received and laden aboard her one hundred baggs of wooll<br />
and 400. baggs and upwards of gaulls cannot possiblie bring on board<br />
receive and lade and steeve above eight baggs of Cyprus woolls a day one day with<br />
another, considering all the troubles accident and incident to such lading<br />
as the fetching of the steeving geare and provisions and the woolls to<br />
be steeved, fitting and repairing the steeving geare upon all emergent<br />
occasions and carryeing the same ashoare againe; And further to this<br />
Article hee saith hee cannot depose, for that hee was not at Ciprus<br />
the voyage in Controversie, nor did in fact see or observe any thing of the<br />
steeving arlate./
To the 10th Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That by<br />
his owne practice and experience as aforesaid, hee well knoweth, That<br />
ordinarily, shipps which have not compleated their Cargaison at Cyprus doe<br />
touch at Zant in their way for London, and there take in Currants<br />
and many times come thither expressely in expectation of Companie, for their better securitie, in which<br />
cases Zant is commonly accompted the best and nearest way for London<br />
though in deed, theise considerations excepted, it be something out of the<br />
direct Course And further hee cannot depose./
To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent:-/
To the Crosse Interrogatories./:. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first and 2nd Interrogatories hee saith hee was not in the voiage in question,<br />
and therefore can depose nothing as to the contents of theise Interrogatories.
To the third hee answereth, That hee was not at Ciprus, when the shipp<br />
''Thomas Bonadventure'' was there the voiage in controversie, and therefore<br />
knoweth not at what distance shee there lay from the shoare, nor how many baggs<br />
of woolls shee could receive aboard her within the spaces of time interrate
To the 4th hee saith hee hath not soe deposed; /
To the 5th hee saith hee hath bin two sewall voiages at Cyprus interrate<br />
and hath come from thense so many times for England
To the sixth hee saith, That the direct Course to sayle from<br />
Salinas roade in Cyprus for England is to saile thence to the<br />
(straightssaile thence to the<br />
(straights +