board her shott and powder sufficient for … board her shott and powder sufficient for those two gunnes and seaven musketts for<br />
the voyage in question either for ffrance or for Biskay And further to this article<br />
hee cannot depose./
To the 2: 3 and 4th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that the sayd shipp ''Prosperous''<br />
in her returne from Burdeaux coming accompanyed with a vessell of yarmouth<br />
whereof one Appleby was Commander was mett with by a Brestman of warr<br />
or some other vessell of warr belonging to ffrance carrying fower peese of ordnanse and about fiftie men and saith that the sayd man of<br />
warr makeing up towards the ''Prosperous'' and the sayd other shipp in her Company<br />
the sayd other shipp whereof Appleby was Commander being a better sayler than<br />
the ''Prosperous'' went away from and forsooke her, and the sayd Appleby at his goeing<br />
away called to this deponent and Company of the ''Prosperous'' and sayd hee could doe<br />
them noe good and that hee had rather they should bee taken than her, and bid<br />
them shifte for them selves or to that effect and soe left the ''Prosperous'', which the<br />
arlate Thomkins her Pylott perceiving advised this deponent and Company presently<br />
to call out to the man of warr for quarter it being to noe purpose in his Judgment<br />
(as hee sayd) to make resistance against a vessell soe well manned as the sayd<br />
man of warr appeared to bee, there appearing upon her deck about forty or fifty<br />
men, and the ''Prosperous'' having but seaven men and a boy, which notwithstanding hee<br />
saith hee this deponent and Company of the ''Prosperous'' made divers shott against<br />
the sayd man of warr intending if possible to have kept the ''Prosperous'' and her<br />
ladeing from being taken but was over powered by the sayd man of warrs<br />
numbers and not being able to defend their quarter from the sayd man<br />
of warr seized the sayd shipp ''Prosperous'' and her ladeing and saith at her sayd seizure<br />
shee had one gunne laden but the gunnes standing upon Carriages in Portholes<br />
and shee being a smale Pinke which could carrie noe gunns behinde could not<br />
possibly defend her selfe against the forse of the sayd man of warr though<br />
shee had at her seizure powder and shott sufficient though it were but a smale quantitie, in respect hee knoweth that be reason of the sayd man of warrs overpowering of her soe that hee well<br />
knoweth shee was not lost for any want thereof, but meerely over powered with<br />
multitude of men as aforesayd And further to these articles hee cannot depose/
To the 5th article of the sayd allegation and the Charterparty and Schedule therein<br />
mentioned hee saith hee well remembreth that in the morning of the five and<br />
twentith day of January the arlate Robert Richbell one of the parties in this<br />
suite came to this deponent (who was Master of the ''Prosperous'') and willed<br />
him to be gone with the sayd shipp upon the voyage in question and told this<br />
deponent there was a necessitie hee this deponent should make all possible<br />
speede away with her, or to that effect and this deponent answering him and<br />
saying the Charterparty for the sayd voyage was not sealed, (as in truth it<br />
then was not) and that hee had order from his Owners the arlate Thomas<br />
Mills and Paule Richards not to depart till the sayd Charterparty were<br />
sealed and untill they came hee the sayd Richbell sayd they could seale the Charterparty<br />
after hee this deponent was gone or to that effect, and thereupon this deponent<br />
told the sayd Ritchbell that hee this deponent know not whether hee had soe<br />
much amunition yet aboard the ''Prosperous'' as the Owners intended to put thereon,<br />
but the sayd Richbell still continued importunate with this deponent and bid him<br />
byh this deponent and bid him<br />
by +