The 19th day of June .<u& … '''D.5./.'''
The 19th day of June .<u>1656</u>:-
The Lord Protector against the shipp the ''Saint Paul''}<br />
and her lading and against Captaine Philips.}<br />
Smith. Budd:-}
Examined upon the said Allegation:-
'''Rp 2us/'''
'''John Goodman''' of the parish of Saint Catherines<br />
Coleman London Wine-Cooper aged 32.<br />
or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and examined<br />
saith as followeth videlicet:-
To the 11. 12. and 13th Articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That<br />
hee this deponent being a Wine Cooper by profession was upon the unlading of<br />
the wynes in Controversie out of the shipp the ''Saint Paul'' arlate here at London<br />
employed by the producent Captaine Isaac Philips, and assistant in the<br />
bringing of the said wines into Warehouses, and saith That shortly after<br />
the said wines were soe bestowed, the Commissioners for Prize goods or their<br />
servants or Substitutes caused locks to be putt upon the doores of the sad<br />
warehouses, and would not permitt the said Captaine Phillips to dispose<br />
of the said wynes, but kept them under lock and key for about the space<br />
of two moneths, in the heat of the sommer, during which time the<br />
said Captaine Phillips by himselfe and his Agents did severall times<br />
make adresse to the said Commissioners of Prize goods, requiring that the said<br />
locks might bee taken of from the sellers or warehouses to the interest hee<br />
might dispose of the sayd wines to his best advantage, but the ssaid<br />
Commisioners refusing to take of the said locks still kept then on the<br />
said Cellars or Warehouses, for about two moneths time as aforesaid<br />
after their arrivall here at London, during which time the said wines<br />
were very much perished and deteriorated, insomuch that of this deponents<br />
certaine knowledge, a tunne of those wines which at the then first arrivall<br />
was really worth and usually sold at 14. or 15 ''li''. a tunne, at the time<br />
of their discharge out of the said Cellars or warehouses, would not yield<br />
soe much as the Customes due for the same accounted unto, by meanes<br />
whereof the said Captaine Philips was very much endammaged<br />
but to what valew this deponent saith hee knoweth not, saving that most<br />
of the said wines at their arrivall being worth as abovesaid were at the<br />
time of their discharge not cleerely worth above 4. or 5. ''li'' a tunne<br />
The premisses this deponent well knoweth and observed by meanes of<br />
his said profession and employment And further cannot depose.
To the Crosse Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to declare the<br />
trueth of his knowledge in this Cause at the request of Captaine<br />
Isaac Phi;ips. And otherwise negatively:-/
To the 2d hee saith hee hath not soe deposed./:
To the third negatively, And further cannot depose:-/
To the fourth hee saith hee hath not soe deposed
To the 5th hee saith hee hath not soe deposedthe 5th hee saith hee hath not soe deposed +