On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Rowe … On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Rowe dt.'''
'''Jean Henrick Beckimire''' of hambrough<br />
Mariner Purser of the shipp the ''Switzer'', where<br />
he hath lived about 10 yeares past, borne at<br />
Westphalia, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts, a wittnes<br />
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth<br />
To the first Interrogatory he answereth and saith that the<br />
interrate Jacob huisly hath bin Master of the interrate shipp<br />
the ''Switzer'' somewhat above three yeares last past, and<br />
that about that time he tooke the care and charge of her<br />
at Marselleis in ffrance, and that the Master of her<br />
immediatly preceding him was one Jacob Shomaker an hamburger<br />
and that ther said huisly is alsoe a hamburger (he this<br />
Rendent well knoweth the parents and freinds of the sayd<br />
Jacob Shomaker and Jacob huisley) And he answereth<br />
that the Owners of the said shipp which putt<br />
in the said huisly to be master of her were John Scotrin[?gher]<br />
Paul Longerman of hamborough, and Joachim, Lawrence<br />
and David Sollicover of Sangall in Switzerland, And<br />
further he cannot answeare.
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate shipp doth<br />
belong unto the port of hamborough, and that she came from<br />
thence last about 9 monthes and somewhat more since, And<br />
that the partyes before named in the preceding Interrogatory are the<br />
Owners of her videlicet John Scotringht and Paul Longerman<br />
of hambrough where they now dwell, and where (he beleeveth) they were borne<br />
and the alsoe aforenamed Joachim, Lawrence and David<br />
Sollicover who dwell at Sangall in Switzerland, where (as he<br />
hath heard) they were borne, And he answereth that the<br />
said shipp, was of his knowledge built at hambrough, and that<br />
the present Owners did buy her, And<br />
that the said shipp did and doth belong unto the aforenamed<br />
Scotringht, Longerman and the Sollicovers, The which he<br />
saith he well knoweth for that he this Rendent having bin<br />
servant to the said Longerman tenne yeares, was afterwards<br />
putt aboard the said shipp as Purser of her and therby<br />
well knew that he the sayd Longerman and the other persons<br />
beforenamed were the Owners of her, And further he<br />
cannot answere.
To the third Interrogatory he answereth and saith that at the time<br />
interrate there belonged to the said shipp 25 men and boyes, whereof<br />
there were one man and three Boyes ffrench And he answereth<br />
(being putt in mind of his oath taken) that there was not<br />
(as he knoweth) any ffrench man or subiect to the french king<br />
that had any part or share in the or of the said shipp at<br />
the time of her seizure./
To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that he knoweth not whether<br />
any of the goods laden aboard the said shipp and taken in her<br />
were of the growth and manufacture of ffrance, or not, And<br />
for the sorts and quantityes interrate he referreth himselfe unto<br />
the Manifesto of them taken at their Lading at Marseilles<br />
which Manifesto is exhibited by his precedent=Respondent Jacob huisly<br />
And further he saith he cannot answeare.
Tod further he saith he cannot answeare.
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