The 16th day of January <u>.1654:-&l … The 16th day of January <u>.1654:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
keate Jennings and others against Alderman}<br />
ffrederick Chewne and others Amith. Budd}
Examined upon the said allegation on the behalfe of the said<br />
keate and others, containing 23. articles:-/
'''Henry Gleade''' of Shadwell in the parrish of Stepney<br />
and Countie of Middlesex Chirurgion aged 20. yeares<br />
or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined saith<br />
and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That<br />
the Vessell the ''dart frigott'' arlate came to and arrived at Cyprus in or<br />
about the moneth of May <u>1652.</u> (the paarticular day this deponent remembreth not<br />
being then, as this deponent beleeveth fully laden, and staied not in the roade of Saint helens<br />
at Cyprus above 24. howres, so farras this deponent now remembreth), this deponent<br />
at the same time serving aboard the shipp ''Thomas Bonadventure'' at Cyprus, and seeing the<br />
arrivall and departure of the said ''dart frigott'' as aforesaid. And further<br />
cannot depose./
To the seceond hee saith, That the shipp the ''Thomas Bonadventure'' arlate<br />
was upon or about the 26th day of May <u>1652.</u> fully laden at Cyprus by the<br />
order and direction of Mr Richard Chewne who not long before was come in<br />
the said ''dart friggott'' from Scanderoone to Cyprus (the arlate Roger ffowke<br />
English Consull at Cyprus having also caused some goods to be laden on the<br />
said shipp ''Bonadventure'' during the time shee remained there) and saith the said<br />
shipp ''Thomas Bonadventure'' was not discharged from thence till about the<br />
9th day of June <u>1652.</u> at which time shee departed thence under and with the<br />
English Convoy commannded by Captaine Bodiloe, Which the premisses hee<br />
knowethm for that hee served as Chirurgions mate in and aboard the said shipp<br />
''Thomas Bonadventure'' for and during the Voiage in Controversy, but as to the<br />
quantitie or number of tunns of goods laden in the said shipp within the time<br />
arlate, hee saith hee hath no judgement in Tonnage and therefore cannot declare<br />
anything in that particular. And further cannot depose./
To the 3d hee saith, That during the time the said shipp ''Thomas Bonad''<br />
''venture'' was and remained at Cyprus in the months of May and June<br />
<u>1652.</u> there was a rumor amongst Merchants and Mariners there, That there were about [?6]<br />
Tripoly men of warr of great force which then hovered and lay in the<br />
way from Cyprus for England, And saith it was and is notorious that<br />
both then and now there was and is warr and hostilitie betwixt the<br />
said Tripoly men of warr and the English. And further cannot depose
To the 4th and 5th articles hee saith, That within the time predeposed, there<br />
was a generall report and beleefe amongst ffactors and Mariners then at Cypurs<br />
That there was a very great apparence and probability of the enception of<br />
a warr betwixt the English and hollanders and saith, That after the<br />
said shipp ''Bonadventure'' with the Convoy aforesaid were departed from<br />
Cyprus and come for Zant, and Cephalonia, they were there assured<br />
that the hollanders were in actuall hostility against the English, which<br />
assurance they received by the ''Constant Warwicke'' sent thither expressly<br />
for the further security of the English against the hollanders then in<br />
the straights, and very powerfull to the number of about 12. saile of<br />
(menber of about 12. saile of<br />
(men +