27 January 1653.
Touching the perishablen … 27 January 1653.
Touching the perishablenesse}<br />
of the goods of the ''Hope''}
'''Adam Woolley''' of London Merchant aged 25 yeares or<br />
thereabouts sworne before the right worshipfull William Clerke<br />
and John Godolphin doctors of lawes, Judges of the<br />
high Court of the Admiraltie saith and deposeth<br />
by vertue of his oath.
That on the three and twentieth day of this instant moneth of<br />
January 1653 hee this deponent accompanied with John Tookey<br />
of Dover distiller of stronge waters went aboard a certaine shipp<br />
named the ''hope'' (whereof Martin Suer was master) then being in<br />
Dover harbour laden with wines, syroups stronge waters and peece goods<br />
lateley seized by the ''ffortune'' (William ffinch Captaine) a private man<br />
of warr, and viewed the said lading in respect of the condition<br />
thereof, and dound the same to be much moistened and heated by<br />
reason of the vapours issuing or proceeding from the said strong<br />
waters lying under the said peece goods; which peece goods<br />
hee saith have sustained much dammage thereby, and daily growe<br />
worse and worse, and that both the said goods and stronge waters<br />
if not speedily landed and disposed of will be utterly spoiled.<br />
And further deposeth that Mr John Collingwood, Richard<br />
Jacobs, hans Tiddiman and Michael de haese of dover being<br />
amongest others Commissioners appointed by authoritie of this Court<br />
to viewe and inspect the said shipp and lading, went to the said<br />
shipp to that purpose and accordingly viewed and inspected the same<br />
which having donne they went together to the<br />
kings head tavern in dover to make up their report and certificate<br />
of the said viewing, and three if them namely henry Tiddiman<br />
John Collingwood and Richard Jacobs having dound the said goods<br />
perishable demannded of the said Michael<br />
de hase then present whether hee would subscribe the certificate<br />
that the said goods were perishable, who answered that hee would<br />
neither subscribe perishable nor unperishable, at all which this<br />
deponent was present and sawe and heard the premisses soe<br />
donne and spoken as aforesaid. And for further declaration<br />
of the said perishable condition of the said goods, hee deposeth that<br />
they were speckled and mouldie and the pack cloths rotten with<br />
moisture and wet, and some of the goods were doe damnified<br />
that this deponent thrust his arme therein up to the elbowe<br />
in at the side thereof without interruption through the<br />
rottenesse thereof.
Adam Woolley [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]hereof.
Adam Woolley [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +