First transcribed
26 May 2017 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
368 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/68 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 26/05/2017 +
26th of Octob … [ADD DATA]
26th of October 1653
A Business of examination of witnesses for}<br />
the perpetual Remembrance promoted on the}<br />
behalfe of the Governor and Company of}<br />
English merchants tradeinge to Ginney}<br />
Bynney and Angola and other places in}<br />
the parts of Africa Budd}
'''Lancelott Staveley''' of London merchant [?aged]<br />
about 32 yeares a witnesse produced sworn and<br />
examyned in this Cause deposeth as followeth
[ADD DATA]is Cause deposeth as followeth
Transcription image
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26 May 2017 19:16:40 +