that there were noe armes or ammunition nor money aboard her at the time of<br />
the said seizure, The premises hee knoweth being aboard herwhen<br />
shee was soe taken. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said ship and<br />
lading were first taken a man of warr pretending to have a Commission<br />
from the kinge of Scotts, which man of warr had her in his possession<br />
to the time of the said rescue by Captaine Clarke, and had taken<br />
this deponent and two men of his company and a boy out of her<br />
and the rest of his company being foure men were kept aboard her<br />
as prisoners and soe they remained till the said rescue.
To the third hee conceiveth that the said man of warr that first tooke<br />
them was in hostilitie against this Commonwealth, because hee heard<br />
the company thereof soe declare themselves hee being taken into the said man of<br />
warr prisoner, but hee likewise heard them declare themselves<br />
friends to this deponent and his owners, telling this deponent that they<br />
pretended nothing to this deponents said shipp, but meerly to the<br />
coales because they came from Newcastle; And saith that the<br />
said man of warr or pirate tooke this deponent and his said shipp<br />
about nine of the clock in the forenoone, and the said Captaine<br />
Clarke retooke her about twelve or one of the clock next following,<br />
soe that the said pirate had them in his possession only three<br />
or foure houres or thereabouts,<br />
and assoone as hee had taken them hee was<br />
carrying them directly for Jersey and shaped his course accordingly,<br />
but Captaine Clarke (as it seemed) lying in the Roade of<br />
haver da Grace and seeing him take them, made saile after him<br />
and soe in three or foure houres space rescued them as aforesaid,<br />
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the last hee saith there were noe bills, cockets or charter partie nor<br />
letters aboard nor any torne or concealed.
Repeated before doctor Clarke.
The 21th of August 1651.
The keepers of the liberties of}<br />
England etcetera against the ''Jacob'' of}<br />
'''Jacob Schoonmaker''' of hamborowe mariner<br />
master of the said vessall the ''Saint Jacob'' aged 40<br />
yeares or thereabouts, sworne and examined
To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that the said vessell the<br />
''Saint Jacob'' was seized and rescued by Captaine Clarke not farr from<br />
haver da grace the seaventh of this instant August about three or<br />
foure of the clock in the afternoone, at which time shee had noe lading<br />
aboard her but coales, which shee toke in at Newcastle and was<br />
carrying them for Roane there to sell them for the account and best<br />
proffit of her owners, who hee saith are david ver[XXX GUTTER]<br />
Cornelius dehartage, Walter B[asch], Augustine hendrix, h[XX GUTTER<br />
Martins, derrick Re[?yus] and hee this deponent all hamburgers and<br />
there Resident and subiects of that State, to which port the said<br />
shipp belongeth, and was built at Serdam in holland, and saith that<br />
hee this deponent hath three sixteenth parts in the said shipp and<br />
likewise in the said coales, which lading of coales hee was to<br />
sell and dispose of for the best advantage of the said owners of the<br />
shipp, they being alsoe owners of the coales. And further saith [?that GUTTER]<br />
[XXX GUTTER]th [?that GUTTER]<br />