14th Octobris 1650 [CENTRE HEADI … '''B.'''
14th Octobris 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]
[?XXXXX] Best et alij con Jauncey}<br />
et alios. Smith. Yeo.}
Supra allegationis arlate ex parte drorum Jaunsey et ali[?XX]<br />
dat examinatus.
'''Rp. EA.'''
'''Johannnes Harrison''' parochias sancta Catherine prope<br />
turim London Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum aut eo<br />
circiter testis productus et juratus.
Ad secundum arlum dicte allegaconis deponit et dicit that hee well<br />
knoweth the ship the ''Jonathan and Abigail'' arlate going all the voyage<br />
in question in her and being one of her company, and saith that at such<br />
time as shee went forth from this port of London upon the said voyage<br />
(which was about this time two yeeres) she was leakie and insufficient<br />
which hee perceived assoone as shee came to sea, shee not being well caulked, and<br />
as hee verily beleeveth shee was not caulked from the time of her retourne<br />
from a Newcastle voyage which shee had made shortly before her freighting<br />
for the voyage in question, but was let to freight and sett out to sea<br />
in the same condition as shee came from the said Newcastle voyage, Et<br />
alre nescit.
To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that the said voyage outward<br />
bound the said shipp was very leakie above water, and the hathces<br />
of her gun roome decke fore and afte and the gundeck it selfe<br />
through want of caulking were very leakie, and saith that there were<br />
noe scuppers in the forecastle steerage or the gun deck as<br />
ought to be in all shipps imployed in the like voyages to convery the<br />
watyer which comes in over the shipps sides, out of her, and to convey<br />
that which comes in at her ports and sides or from aloft, downe betwixt<br />
her timbers to preserve the merchant goods from wet and dammage<br />
which otherwise must unavoydably be damnified with water<br />
alr nescit.
To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp in her said<br />
outward voyage received in soe much water, and the same stood in<br />
soe greate abundance upon the gun deck, that the mariners in her were<br />
in greate perill of their lives, and to preserve the shipp from sinking<br />
they were dforced not only to keepe both the pumpes going when they mett<br />
with stormie or fowle weather, but like wise to cutt holes in the<br />
gun deck to lett the water down into the hold, whereby the merchants goods<br />
tooke wet and dammage, and this hee saith happened and was donne<br />
in the space of 14 or 16 dayes or thereabouts next after the said shippe<br />
going out of the downes on the said voyage, reddene recondur ut supra<br />
alr nescit.
Ad 6 arlum deponit that by reason of such the insufficiencie of the<br />
said shipp the ''Jonathan and Abigail'' in her outward bound voyage, a<br />
greateoutward bound voyage, a<br />
greate +