Ad 4 rendet that there were about 60 tonne … Ad 4 rendet that there were about 60 tonnes of tobaccco pipe<br />
clay aboard the said shipp the ''hope'' both at the time of [?her] said first seizure<br />
and of the said rescue, and noefullers earth or other goods that hee<br />
knoweth of, and saith the said tobacco pipe clay was laden and<br />
received aboard the said shipp the ''hope'' at Poole in Dorsetshire<br />
to be carried for Rotterdam, whither the said shipp ''hope'' was designed<br />
therewith when shee was soe taken by the said pyrate, alr nescit<br />
Ad ult nescit.
'''X''' [MARKE, RH SIDE]
13th die July 1650./ [CENTRE HEADING]
Hickman con Jacket.}<br />
et. Hickmans}
Sup lilo ex parte dei Hickman in hac causa dat<br />
'''Christopherus Delay''' de Lymehouse infra parochiam<br />
de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 34<br />
annorum aut eo circiter testis productus et juratus./
Ad primum et secundum arlos dei lili depomit et dicit that<br />
within the time arlate the arlate William Jackett was Captaine and<br />
cheife Commander of the shipps the ''May Flower''. the ''Benjamin'' and<br />
the ''Peeter'' arlate and (during all the tearme of the last voyage made<br />
by him with the same) for such was comonly accompted reputed<br />
and taken, and did take upon him to governe and comand the<br />
said three ships. Et ulterius deponit tha at such tyke as the said<br />
ships were to sett saile from thjis Port of London upon the said<br />
voyage in question the producent Humphrey Hickman was by the<br />
said William Jacket heere shipped and hired to goe out steward<br />
of the said ship the ''May Flower'' as is arlate which place the said<br />
Hickman did undertake and execute abord the said ship in her voyage<br />
from this Port of London to Ginney, which hee knoweth to bee true<br />
hee this deponent being one that was hired and shipped by the<br />
said William Jacket to serve abord the said ship the ''May Flower''<br />
from this Port and did goe and continued abord her untill<br />
such tyme as shee was lost at Nova Barcelona to the Spaniards. Et<br />
alr salvis subscript[?is] nescit deponere./
Ad 3. et 4um arlos dei lili deponit et dicit That dureing the tyme<br />
arlate and whilest the ''Mayflower'' att Ginny arlate and thereabouts the said Captaine<br />
Jacket (in a most [?XXewell] barbarous and inhuman manner<br />
and without any iust or lawfull occasion or cause that ever this<br />
deponent could heare of,) did cause the said Hickman to put into<br />
the Bilboes, and in shackles with a great boult of Iron that<br />
did locke him upon the fforecastle of the said ship where hee<br />
continued from about 5. of the clocke in the evening till about tenn<br />
the next day followeing dureing which tyme it did continually raine<br />
Thunder and lighten in a most fearrfull manner and even as in<br />
heaven and earth were comeing together, the said Hickman in all this<br />
while haveing nothing to cover him but a wastcoate and a thinne paire<br />
of linnen drawers, as is arlate. And saith that dureing all this<br />
while the said Jacket gave a strickt order and charge in this deponents heareing<br />
unto the rest of the said ships Companie that he should not give<br />
the said Hickman any meat drincke Cloaths or any sustenance<br />
[?resa] whatsoever, soe that the said Hickman by reason of such cruell<br />
useagey reason of such cruell<br />
useage +