First transcribed
30 May 2016 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
196 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/63 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 30/05/2016 +
Ad 7um rendet that hee beleive … [ADD DATA]
Ad 7um rendet that hee beleiveth there wilbee some<br />
perished Oranges and lemons in a shipps ladeing And saith that such<br />
perished or Rotten fruit doeth much hurt the sound. but the<br />
same as hee saith were well conditioned at the tyme of<br />
theire being laden. and were the more damnified by<br />
theire ling continuance abord the said ship. Et alr refer[?XX]<br />
se ad predepoita nescit rendere.
[ADD DATA] ad predepoita nescit rendere.
Transcription image
[[File:IMG_113_02_6138.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_113_02_6138.jpg|[[:HCA 13/63|HCA 13/63]] f.196v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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HCA 13/63 f.196v Annotate +
, HCA 13/63 f.196v Annotate +
, HCA 13/63 f.196v Annotate +
, HCA 13/63 f.196v Annotate +
, HCA 13/63 f.196v Annotate +
, HCA 13/63 f.196v Annotate +
, HCA 13/63 f.196v Annotate +
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30 May 2016 20:58:49 +