where it was at the tyme when the sayd shi … where it was at the tyme when the sayd ship the '''saint Jacob'' came<br />
ashore att Dickshore as afroesaid Et alr salvis redepita se<br />
nescit deponere
Abraham Greaves [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
decimo May 1650/
sup allgatione pred examinatus.
'''Johannes Bennet''' de Lymehouse infra parochiam dei<br />
STepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis sua 36. annorum<br />
aut eo circiter testis productus et iuratus.
Ad 7um arlum dicta allegaconis deponit et dicit that the Master<br />
and Companie of the ship the ''Saint Jacob'' arlate if they had soe thought<br />
fitt might have continued with thiere said ship in the middle River of<br />
Thames where [?non] at this present ships [?aXXXX] her Burthen doe ride<br />
and there have without doubt staied in safety without doeing or receaveing<br />
any further damage to or from any ship whatsoever. Et alr<br />
nescit deponere.
Ad 8um. et 9um deponit et dicit that noe skilfull or experienced seaman<br />
or Pilot watsoever that is in the least manner acquainted with the<br />
River of Thames will or have att any tyme dureing all the tyme of<br />
this deponents knowledge of the said River which hee saith hath bin<br />
by the space of theise twenty yeares, beinge bring a shippe or vessel that is<br />
deepe laden up the said River there to hale her ashore upon an Ebbing<br />
water. Neither (as hee saith) did hee in all his dayes ever see aby laden<br />
ship brought or haled willingly a shore at dickshore arlate, nor<br />
any where else untill such tyme as such shipp hath ridden at an<br />
Anchor by the space of one tyde in the Channel of the said River soe<br />
that at lowe water the Master and Companie of such ship may take<br />
notice of, and see for a convenient place to bring theire ship ashore<br />
in, least the same may be incumbred with Anchors Anchor stocks<br />
holes or other inconveniencyes, Reddens [?XXXX] scientia sua et<br />
Supra Et alr nescit deponere.
Ad 11um et 12um deponit et dicit that hee this deponent together<br />
with severall other Masters and Master builders of ships being acquainted<br />
by Mr Hussey Master of the ship the ''Phillip'' to come and veiwe the ground<br />
where the ship the ''Saint Jacob' arlate Came ashore and where shee<br />
receaved damage in this cause questioned, And the Anchor<br />
of the said ship the ''Phillip'' by which it is pretended the Dutch ship<br />
susteyned hurt, did come accordingly upon the 20th day of<br />
March ;ast, and there hee saith by him this deponent and the rest<br />
of the parties whose names are subscribed to a certificate to this allegation<br />
annexed upon an impartiall veiwe by them made it was<br />
found that the said Dutch shipp the ''Saint Jacob'' did receave the damage<br />
in this cause questioned meerely by her running a shore att dickshore<br />
upon a great hole out of which lighter men had made by takeing ballast<br />
which hee saith at lowe water and when the ground within side thereof<br />
was quite drie, there did yet remaine in the middle thereof betwixt<br />
5. and 6. foot deepe of water; soe that thereby the said ship (being<br />
laden and lyeing with her head and stearne a drie ground and her midship<br />
in the said hole,) suffered the samage in question and broke her backe<br />
withallon and broke her backe<br />
withall +