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HCA 13/54 f.346r Annotate
First transcribed 2 July 2017  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 346  +
Parent volume HCA 13/54  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 02/07/2017  +
Transcription Hambroughe shippe and thereupon this examiHambroughe shippe and thereupon this examinate<br /> went on shoare there againe to looke for the master<br /> of that Hambroughe shippe to gett his<br /> Company for Holland and commanded his<br /> owne Company to bringe his shippe to<br /> an anchor in nyne fathome water but<br /> they contrary to his directions whilst hee<br /> was fone on shoare as aforesaid, sett<br /> saile away with the said shipp and goods<br /> and left this examinate on shoare at Porto<br /> Porte, and carried her first into<br /> Ireland and there sould three chests<br /> of sugar and some other goods<br /> and then with the said shippe and the reste<br /> of the goodes and about 8.<br /> [?XXX] of hides which they received by<br /> trucke of sugars in Ireland they<br /> came to [?Tinby] in Wales, and never went<br /> to Roterdam aforesaide, And this hee<br /> affirmeth uppon his oath to bee true<br /> who about five dayes after his company<br /> carried away the said shipp and foods from<br /> Port Port gott passage from thence<br /> in the said Hambrough shippe, and by<br /> a ffisherboate was sett on shoare at Plymouth<br /> and made inquire there for his shippe, and<br /> by chance founde one of his Company<br /> there who tolde him that his shippe<br /> was at Tinby aforesaide, and then hee<br /> went thither from Plymouth and there<br /> found her, and<br /> the remainder of her ladeinge in<br /> the possession of his Company, and then<br /> hee went peaceably aboard her and tooke<br /> possession of her and the goods in her. [ADD DATA]n of her and the goods in her. [ADD DATA]  +
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