deliver those goods and then relade there … deliver those goods and then relade there wynes as many<br />
as his said shippe could conveniently carry and 4<br />
hogsheads to a tonne<br />
for the accompte of the said Vincent Delabarr or<br />
his Assignes and from Nannts to returne with those<br />
wynes into the Downes and there to stay two dayes<br />
for order from the said Vincent Delabarr or his<br />
Assgnes to goe to Dunquerque there to unlade<br />
the said qwynes, and the said Delabarr promised to give<br />
him the said Carlisle for freight of the said<br />
wynes nyneteene gilders a tonn with primage and<br />
average accustomed, Carlisle undertooke that the said<br />
shippe should depart from London uppon<br />
that voyage in October 1635, but the day hee<br />
certainely remembreth not, and after they the said<br />
Delabarr and Carlisle were soe aggreed, the said<br />
Delabarr gave this examinate a twelve pense and bidd him<br />
give that to the said Carlisle as an earnest to binde<br />
him to the said bargaine, and this examinate delivered that<br />
to the said Carlisle and hee accepted that as an<br />
earnest uppon the bargaine aforesaid, and that ws<br />
aggreed betweene them that a Charter party should<br />
bee drawen betweene the said Delabarr and Carlisle<br />
according to the said aggreement and they went<br />
togeather to a scrivener by the Exchange and gave<br />
him directions to draw such a Charter party, which<br />
accordingly was drawen, and about two or three dayes<br />
after, they the said Delabarr and Carlisle went againe<br />
to the said Scrivener and this examinate with them, and<br />
there they read over the draught of the said Charter<br />
party which was drawen accordinge to the aggreement<br />
afore said and they the said Delabarr and<br />
Carlisle well approve thereof onely by both their contents that was then added to that the said
[LH MARGIN]<br />
Delabarr should<br />
pay half the losse<br />
by exchange of the<br />
monies which<br />
Carlisle should<br />
receive at Dunquercke
and Carlisle said<br />
that hee would come and give order for the ingrossinge<br />
of that, and about three or fower dayes after this examinate againe<br />
mett with the said Carlisle and asked him if hee did<br />
provide his shipp for the voyage aforesaid, and hee<br />
said hee did as faste as hee could, but a while after<br />
recanted and tooke a voyage for Roane in ffrance and<br />
never signed or sealed the Charter party aforesaid<br />
for ought hee ever heard, And this hee affirmeth<br />
uppon his oath to bee true who was the party that<br />
brought the said Delabarr and Carlisle to the<br />
treaty and aggreement aforesaid, At elr nescit./ and aggreement aforesaid, At elr nescit./ +