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HCA 3/46 +
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Page created 08/05/2015 +
Richard Batson administrator of the goodso … Richard Batson administrator of the goodsof}<br />
ffrancis fford deceased against whatsoever}<br />
goods wares or merchandizes or}<br />
summes of money remaining in the}<br />
hands of Charles Hilliard Marke}<br />
Mortimer and Richard Blake}<br />
or any of them belonging to the}<br />
said ffoard deceased and against the}<br />
said Hilleard Mortimer and}<br />
Blake and att et cetera Smith}<br />
Richard Palliday against one 32th parte}<br />
of the shipp the ''Sisters'' of Ipswich}<br />
whereof Gregory was Master and her}<br />
Tackle and ffurniture belonging to}<br />
himselfe and against all et cetera Clements}
[ADD DATA]gainst all et cetera Clements}
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HCA 3/46 f.615r Annotate +
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, HCA 3/46 f.615r Annotate +
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2 November 2016 02:24:36 +