First transcribed
25 May 2017 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
56 +
Parent volume
HCA 3/46 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 25/05/2017 +
A business of examination of w … [ADD DATA]
A business of examination of witnesses}<br />
on the behalf of Richard Crandley}<br />
and others touchinge the seizure}<br />
of the shipp the ''Mayflower'' and}<br />
her ladinge}
'''Wednesday the last day'''<br />
'''of May 1654''' before the worshipfull William Clerke<br />
and John Godolphin doctors<br />
of Lawes Judges et cetera in the<br />
dyninge Chamber et cetera in the<br />
presence of Samuell Howe notary<br />
publique Bud upon the allegation<br />
by him in this cause formerlie given<br />
produced for a witnes George Dethicke<br />
et cetera to whome the Judges administred an<br />
oath to speake the truth at the tyme of his<br />
[ADD DATA]of his<br />
Transcription image
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, HCA 3/46 f.56v Annotate +
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25 May 2017 00:34:34 +