30th Septembris 1669. [CENTRE HEADING]
Su … 30th Septembris 1669. [CENTRE HEADING]
Super allone predicta.
'''Petrus Rumsom''' parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta, natus in parochia<br />
de Northtaffick in Comitatu Devonia, aetatis 24 annorum aut circiter testis
Ad 4 arlum deponit that the said Mr Southin in the shipps outward bound voyage<br />
from Virginia did leave and give over the Care and Command of his said shipp and<br />
goods, to the Mate, Boatswaine, and rest of the Company, namely hee soe gave it<br />
over about a day or two before the shipp made the Westwards Islands, and<br />
did not as a Master observe or doe ought or reassume his command untill shee<br />
had shott a league or two within the Capes of Virginia, At which time and place hee<br />
coming hastily upon deck asked the company whether they were bound and the<br />
mate answering that they were bound for Potomack in Virginia, and that they<br />
had shott within the Capes of Virginia or to that purpose, the Master affirmed that<br />
they were not within the Capes, and commanded them to gett their tacks<br />
aboard, and stand off to sea againe. Howbeit hee saith the Mate boatswaine<br />
Carpenter aand others of the shipps company having bin before at Virginia<br />
and knowing that they were within the Capes did contrary to his command<br />
and against his will carry the said shipp up the Bay and put into Rapahanock<br />
where the freighters to whom they were consigned did dwell. And saith that<br />
after the said Master went ashore at Rapahanock hee seemed to bee madd and<br />
frequently rann up into the Country and hidd himselfe in the woods there, and<br />
behaved himselfe after the manner of a ffrantique person. The premisses<br />
hee deposeth ffor that hee was one of the shipps company the said<br />
voyage. Et alr nescit.
[ADD DATA]r />
voyage. Et alr nescit.