arlate at Gally Key in London, and did the … arlate at Gally Key in London, and did then and there tast of the said forty Butts severall<br />
and found severall of them to bee very much decayed scarsely worth or [?XXXX]<br />
to be sold, severalll others likewise very much impayred and decayed but not in<br />
so great a degree as the former, and generally all the rest in some degree dammnifyed<br />
and deteriorated; And hee this Deponent verily beleeveth in his Conscience that<br />
had the sayd 40. Butts arrived when the said Alderman first expected them and<br />
told this Deponent of them, they might have beene sold for 27. or 28. ''li'' per Butt<br />
whereas now they are not worth one with another the one half of the sayd [?XXX]<br />
or price, Insomuch that the said Producent in the Judgement of him this Deponent was<br />
and is damnifyed by leaving the said wines behinde at Malaga the tyme arlate to<br />
the summe or value of Five hundred and Three score pounds, besides what was lost<br />
by the Raysons of the Sunne arlate, which this Deponent hath no iudgement in. Et<br />
alr nescit deponere. Saving that his Contest Richard Emms was present with this Deponent<br />
at the tasting of all the sayd wines before mentioned.
Super reliquis non examinatur ex directione et cetera.
Ad Interria.
Ad 4um rendet That hee hath no other relation to the Producent than as his<br />
Wine Cooper, hath no shares nor interest in the wines interrate, hath lived<br />
at Saint Mary Hill for all the tymes interrate untill the Firem and is worth 1000 ''li'' or<br />
2. his debts deducted. Et alr nescit/.
Super libell predict examinat
'''Richardus Emms''' Parochia Sancti Catherine Coleman in Fanchurch streete in<br />
London Winecooper, aetais 54. anorum et [?amplus] Testia<br />
product et deponit prout sequitur videlicet.
[ADD DATA]onit prout sequitur videlicet.