and frequently [?peruseth] his letters out … and frequently [?peruseth] his letters out and home, and often writeth<br />
his outward letters which the producent subscribeth. And to the accompt<br />
'''Number 3 libro B''' hee saith that the same is the accompt soe received from tha<br />
said factors touching the said shipps buying and costs. Et alr nescit
Ad 4um arlum et novam [?XXXX] [?billas] [?excambij] in eadem [?mentionate] deponit<br />
that the said billes (now shewed unto him) were and are the originall bills<br />
of exchange soe drawne on the said producent in regard of the said shipp<br />
and which hee hath accepted and hath paid the contents, saving one<br />
which was not payable till after this deponents comming from Antwerp<br />
namely in the end of October 1666 new stile. Et alr nescit, saving<br />
hee is privie to the said payments and acted therein on the exchange<br />
for the said producent, and made entrie thereof in his books.
Ad 5um arlum et schedulas in eadem [?mentionate], signatus in [?der] se [?sXX]<br />
'''Libro C.''' deponit that the attestation from Amsterdam was therein received<br />
in a packet by the said producent at Antwerp, this deponent seeing<br />
the receipt thereof. And the attestation from Antwerp in the foote<br />
of the said '''booke C.''' hee saith hee knoweth to bee sealed with the towne<br />
seale of Antwerp, and well knoweth the firme of [?XXXXsor] [?Valckennisse]<br />
the Towne Clark thereto, and is well assured of the truth of the<br />
contents of the said attestations for the reasons aforesaid alr nescit
Ad 6 arlum deponit that the said producent is a hamberger with his<br />
wife children and familie in Antwerp, and was and is a subiect of<br />
the king of Spaine, and one that fairly keepeth his bookes of<br />
Merchandize, which hee knoweth being his booke-keeper. And<br />
saith the said accompt of the buying and fitting the said shipp is<br />
onely entred in his the producents leiger bookes, and severall<br />
other things fairly entred both before and after the same, and the<br />
said Speckhouwer hath really and truely paid and undertaken<br />
to pay as is arlated. And saith hee well knoweth all the<br />
Englishmen whose names are subscribed to the schedule arlate marked<br />
'''2. lib. A.''' and that they are dwellers in Antwerp, and that hee saw<br />
them peruse the said producents bookes arlate, and saith that the certificate<br />
arlate from the Magistrates of Antwerp was and is sealed with the<br />
said Townes seale, and hee beleeveth the contents thereof to be true,<br />
and saith hee knoweth (for the reasons aforesaid) that the said producent<br />
was and is the sole owner of the said shipp ''Saint Barbara'', and that<br />
noe other person whatsoever hath any share therein. Et alr nescit
Ad 7 nescit.
Ad ulto. dicit predepoita sua ad vera.
Ad primum rendet that hee is an Antwerpian by birth, and hath<br />
lived for the most part there, and hath constantly dwelt there for 17<br />
or 18 yeeres last, and is not of kin of the producent, nor servant<br />
otherwise than as his book keeper, this deponent being a houskeeper of<br />
himselfe, and wisheth the victory according to right, and soe hee<br />
would give the same, favouring [?a] [?iustia]
Adive the same, favouring [?a] [?iustia]
Ad +