First transcribed
28 December 2017 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
721 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/73 +
Recto +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 28/12/2017 +
The 16th of Ju … [ADD DATA]
The 16th of June 1659:
On the behalfe of Jeremy, Nathaniel and}<br />
Simon Bormel of London merchants}<br />
touching their losses in the ''Goulden Eagle''}<br />
Thomas Gould Mr. Allen}
'''Richard Ward''' of Wapping Mariner<br />
late Boatswaine of the said ship the<br />
''Goulden Eagle'' aged 23 yeeres or thereabouts<br />
sworne before the Right worshipfull John Godolphin<br />
Doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of the High<br />
Court of the Admiralty and Examined upon<br />
Certaine Interogatories ministred on behalfe of the<br />
said Jeremy, Nathaniel and Simeon Boumel saith<br />
and Deposeth as followeth
and Deposeth as followeth
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[[File:IMG_0661_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0661_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.721r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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28 December 2017 11:03:49 +