aboard, the which request of theirs the sa … aboard, the which request of theirs the said dutch [?XXXXing] [?Daniell]<br />
this deponent fell to intreate them leave to enter<br />
or goe in, telling them (as the truth was) that thay had diverse sick and<br />
weake persons aboard, and that there was greate necessitie of their going<br />
in thither [?both] for fresh victualls and refreshment for their sick<br />
and to [?performe] their trading designe, and the dutch still persisting<br />
in their deniall, the ''Jonathan'' endeavoured to put in, whereupon [?XXXX] of<br />
the dutch shipps shott at her, and commanded the<br />
master of the ''Jonathan'' and this deponent the marchant to come aboard<br />
threatning to sinck them if they gave not speedie obedience to such [?command]<br />
whereupon this deponent (the master being sick) went aboard to the<br />
Admirall and told him and modestly expostulated with him the necessitie<br />
of their going in, howbeit the said Admirall (named daniell Peterson [?van]<br />
[?Lely]) expressely forbadd their going in,a nd told this deponent that<br />
if they would not be content, but would still persist in their endeavours<br />
to goe in to Bantam, hee would take them prisoners, and would<br />
sinck their shipp or to the same effect, and this deponent thereupon<br />
desiring him to give him a note in writing, prporting such his<br />
deniall and prohibition, that therewith this deponent and the<br />
master and company might be excused by their principalls, the said<br />
Admirall denied that alsoe. Whereupon seeing noe possibilitie<br />
of getting in, being soe prohibited, the said master and company<br />
were constrained to depart with the said shipp and lading, and to goe<br />
to other places to which they were not designed and for which their goods<br />
were not proper and there to barter and truck the said goods away<br />
at a very low rate, to the greate losse of the said producents in respect<br />
of what theyw ould have yeelded had they bin carried<br />
to Bantam, and thereby alsoe forced to leave moneyes at Bantam<br />
to the summe of three thousand pounds sterling which shee should there have received (which was readie) for her lading and<br />
making her voyage withall. All which hee knoweth for the reasons<br />
To the tenth article hee saith that by such prohibition and hindrance<br />
by the dutch as aforesaid, the said shipps voyage was almost quite<br />
[?frustrated] to the very greate dammage and losse of the said producents<br />
who have as hee saith and verily beleeveth, suffered losse and<br />
dammage thereby to the summe of six thousand pounds sterling, and<br />
soe much more hee beleeveth the produce of the said voyage would<br />
have bin more than were made in case such interruption and<br />
prohibition had not bin given and made by the said dutch And<br />
further hee cannot depose.
The fourteenth of ffebruary 1658. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
'''William'''on the foresaid allegation.
'''William''' +