sufficient for a voyage of two and twenty … sufficient for a voyage of two and twenty monethes<br />
or thereabouts. And sayth that the said ship togeather with<br />
the Guns tackle and furniture and provisions and all that belonged to her did cost the<br />
producents, and were worth the summe of five thousand<br />
and five hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts; which he<br />
knoweth for the reasons aforesaid Et alr nescit./.
Ad ult dicit that if the said ship the ''Experience'' had<br />
safely arrived at Lisbone with her lading from Brazeele<br />
and performed and made her voyage according to the ex=<br />
prectation of the producents, he verily beleeveth her<br />
outwards lading from London and from Lisbone would have produced the said summe of<br />
fifty five thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts,<br />
and soe much he conceiveth they the<br />
said Bretton, Delboe Middleton, Sayon, Travers, Biddulph<br />
and Godsall (the producents) were and are damnified in, by<br />
the losse of their said ship and lading togeather with her<br />
tackle, furniture, provisions and what else belonged to<br />
her as aforesaid. Et alr nescit./
Repetit coram Doctor Exton Surro[?gatus]
George Whateley [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 25th of October 1660. [CENTRE HEADING]
[?XX] Margets and Company against}<br />
[?XX] shipp the ''Saint Lucar Marchant''}<br />
[?and] against hampden.}
Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe<br />
of the said Margets and company.
'''Rp. 1'''
'''Nathaniel Morecocke''' of Ratcliff in the County<br />
of Middlesex Practioner in the Mathematicks aged<br />
41 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
'''[?vide] 3rd in A12'''
To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knew and knoweth<br />
the producents George Margets and some of his company and that in and<br />
for all the yeares 1656. 1657 and 1658 and monethes therein respectively concurring<br />
they the said Margets and company were the true and lawfull owners and<br />
proprietors of fifteene sixteeneth parts of the shipp the ''Saint Lucar Marchant''<br />
arlate (which hee saith hee alsoe well knoweth) and of her tackle and apparell<br />
and the said Richard hampden owner of the other sixteenth part of the said ship. and for such comonly accompted, which hee saith hee knoweth to be<br />
true because hee this deponent for all the said time and before kept the booke<br />
of accompts of the said shipps setting out and retournes for severall voyages<br />
and therein hath set downe the name and names of the respective owners<br />
and their parts and shares of the shipp, and particularly that the said<br />
Margets and company were owners of fifteene sixteenth parts of the same, and the said Richard<br />
Hampden (whom this deponent knoweth by sight) owner of the other sixteenth<br />
To the second article hee saith and deposeth that within the foresaid time<br />
namely on a day happening about two yeares since (tempus alr non [?XXX])t two yeares since (tempus alr non [?XXX]) +