of London a Cargoe of goods and merchandiz … of London a Cargoe of goods and merchandizes amounting to the<br />
value of ten thousand pounds sterling and<br />
upwards for their owne use and account and sent out the<br />
said ship (with the same on board her) on a trading voyage<br />
to goe from this port to Lisbone, and thence to Brazeele<br />
thence to Lisbone againe, and soe to returne for this port of London; on<br />
which voyage he sayth she proceeded from Gravesend<br />
in or about the moneth of August 1659 and arrived at Lisbone<br />
shortly after in safety with her foresaid lading on board her, All<br />
which he knoweth for that he arrived there in her in the quality aforesaid./
Ad 3rd he says that during the the time of lading the foresaid Cargoe on<br />
board the said Ship in this port as aforesaid the said Bretton Delboe<br />
Middleton and Company constituted and made on John Kingsman<br />
Captain or Command of her for the said voyage, and one<br />
William Croxon was by then als made and constituted Supra Cargoe<br />
of her for the said voyage which he knoweth for the reasons<br />
aforesaid and for that the said Captain Kingsman shipped this<br />
Deponent in the quality aforesaid. And further sayth that the<br />
said Kingsman and Croxon were and are Englishman and<br />
subiects of the king of England, and soe generally knowne<br />
and reputed to bee./
Ad 4nd articlum he says that after the said shipp ''Experience'' arrived<br />
at Lisibone the said William Croxon her supra Cargoe did<br />
there unlade and take out of her severall of the goods and<br />
merchandizes which she carried out in her from this port, and<br />
there disposed of the same, and tooke in other goods in lieu<br />
thereof, as oyles, Linnen clothes and other merchandizes which<br />
were to be transported in the said ship from thence to Brazile<br />
and there to be barted away for sugars, hides tobaccoe<br />
and Brazile woods all for the use and account of the foresaid<br />
producents which he knoweth for the reasons aforesaid./
To the 5nd he sayd that during the time that the said Croxon remained<br />
with the ship ''Experience'' at Lisbone he did there procure a<br />
Licence from the King of Portugall to trade at Brazeele<br />
and sayth that noe such licence are or may be may be procured<br />
except the procurers of them doe first give security to the King of Portugall or his officers to<br />
returne with their said ships from Brazeele to Lisbone, and<br />
there to unlade the same, that the King of Portugall may<br />
receive the Custome(s) which are due to him out of such goods which are<br />
so brought thence which security the said Croxon was necessitated(for<br />
the reason aforesaid)to put in and did not as he sayth put in the same accordingly<br />
And further to the Article deposeth not saving that Mr<br />
Abraham Jacobs (an Englishman and Factor of the producents<br />
residing at Lisbone) and another English merchant there also residing<br />
(whose name this deponent doth not now remember) were the security<br />
soe put in by the said Croxon tso the intent aforesaid/.
Adsaid Croxon tso the intent aforesaid/.
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