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HCA 13/73 f.592r Annotate
First transcribed 26 February 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 592  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/02/2015  +
Transcription 2o. Octobris 1`660./. [CENTRE HEADING] [?2o. Octobris 1`660./. [CENTRE HEADING] [?XXXX] Scoti pro [?pXXXXs]}<br /> [?XXXX] Zealon cujus ffrancus de}<br /> [?XXXX] [?capte] the ''Nightingale''}<br /> [?Suckly Budd. Cheeke.} Sup Allone ex parte dicti querelantis 28o. Septembris<br /> ult. data Examinatus '''Rp. 1us.''' '''Richardus Ely''' parochia Sancti Bartholomaei ppe Regale<br /> Excamnium London Mercator, annos agens 27. and<br /> eo circiter testis in hac caa productus et juratus./ Ad primum, 2um, 3um et 4um Arlos [?dae] Allonis deponit et dicit That this<br /> Deponent comming from the Canaries in the ship ''Swallow'' in Company of a fleet of<br /> other English ships, whereunto the ''Nightingale frigot'' (John Lightfoot<br /> Comander) with another English frigot were Convoyes, well knoweth that<br /> in or about the moneth of January last the said fleet met with the ship<br /> arlate The ''Turkey'' or ''Pea-hen'' (in sight of the Island La OPalma) a<br /> Spanish ship bound, as her Company affirmed, for Teneriffe; And upon such<br /> meeting, the said Captaine Lightfoot and Company in the said frogt the ''Nightingale''<br /> set upon and tooke the said Spanish ship with her lading of hides, Logwood,<br /> sugar, and some other goods, and some pieces of eight. And sayth that upon the<br /> said seizure this Deponent saw a great Chest brought from the said Spanish ship<br /> aboard the said frigot the ''Nightingale'', And this Deponent being then aboard the<br /> ''Nightingale'' saw the said Chest broke open by Captaine Lightfoots order and in his<br /> presence, and being so opened, this deponent saw severall bags of pieces of<br /> eight therein (as he concweiveth and verily beleeveth they were by the<br /> clinking and noise they made upon stirring and removall) and<br /> alsoe saw five or six pigs of silver (as he alsoe by the weight<br /> and fashipn conceived them to bee) wrapped up in Canvas.<br /> And then and there this Deponent saw the said Captaine<br /> Lightfoot take all the said bags with the contents, and barrs or<br /> piggs out of the said Chest, and put o dispose them into a<br /> place apart in his Cabbin. And sayth that on or about<br /> the same day this Deponent having spoken with Captaine<br /> ffrancisco de Moralis Commander of the said shipp the<br /> ''Pea-hen'' or ''Turkey'', heard him say and affirme that<br /> there was in that chest in pieces of eight and barrs or<br /> piggs of silver to the value of fourteene thousand pieces<br /> of eight, and also that in abother chest that was (as he<br /> said) also seized in the said ship, there were pieces of<br /> eight to the number or value of betweene five and<br /> six thousand pieces of eight; and that the whole losse<br /> in silver only, by the said seizure in the said two Chests<br /> amounted to twenty thousand pieces of eight, or thereabouts<br /> And further he cannot depose, saying he doth not<br /> know the Claymer./ To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING] To the first and second he answereth negatively./ Ad 3um nescit rendere./ To the 4th and 5th negatively for his part. And further<br /> cannot answer./ Ad ult reddit causas scientiae sua et supra/ Richard Ely [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]t supra/ Richard Ely [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0400_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0400_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.592r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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