[?underius] Septembris 1660.
[G … '''A6'''
[?underius] Septembris 1660.
[GUTTER ?XXXX Examinaconis testium ad perpetuam rei memoriam}<br />
ex parte Thomae Hopkins, Johannis Gregory Egidij}<br />
[GUTTER?XXXX et seciorum Moeratorium cond Adolpum Wingarts}<br />
[GUTTER ?XXX Vel [?super] Proprietarium et Magrum navis cin nomes}<br />
The ''Golden Sun'' de Amsterdam et rend quam[?XXX] ali{?XX]}<br />
[GUTTER ?XXXX quos[?XXX] alios proprieta[?m] dicta navis vel interet in}<br />
eadem haben. Smith}
Super allegatione arlate ex parte drorum<br />
Hopkins et ali[XX] data.
'''Rp. 1'''
'''[?vide] 6us in the 6th. ABu<br />
Johnes Hamilton de ffanchurch<br />
streete London Mercator annos<br />
agens 35 aut eo circiter<br />
testis productus et juratus.
To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth<br />
that in or about the moneth of August 1659 the producents Thomas Hopkins<br />
John Gregory and Giles dunster did by the hands of the said Mr dunster<br />
write a letter directed to Amsterdam wherein they gave directions to one<br />
William Bolyn de La Garda a Marchant there living to freight and<br />
hire a shipp for them and their use (but in his owne name) to goe and<br />
saile from thence to dublin in Ireland, and there to take in such goods<br />
and merchandizes as the said Mr Hopkins, Gregory, dunster and Company<br />
should order or appoint to be laded therein, and therewith to saile to such<br />
parts and places as they or their factors should direct, and there to discharge<br />
the same, and to take and receive aboard her such other goods and Merchandizes<br />
as they should appoint and to bring the same for London or Amsterdam and<br />
there to discharge the same for their use and accompt, or to the same effect;<br />
Which letter of order and directions came and was delivered to the said<br />
William Bolyn de la Gard at Amsterdam, who thereupon did in or<br />
about the said moneth of August 1659 in his owne name but to the use<br />
and upon the accompt of the said producents hire and take the said shipp the<br />
''Golden Sun'' (whereof the said Adolph Wyngaerts was master) to freight at<br />
Amsterdam of and from the said Wyngaerts for the service and imployment<br />
aforesaid, and that upon the said affreightment there was a Charter partie<br />
or Notarial Contract made and passed betweene the said Bolyn de la Gard<br />
as freighter or taker on the one part and the said Wyngaerts as letter on<br />
the other, All which hee knoweth as hee saith because hee this deponent<br />
was from London designed and sent by the said producents with the said letter<br />
(which hee saith hee saw and read) to Amsterdam to goe Sopra cargo of the<br />
said shipp soe to be freighted, and did with his owne hand deliver the<br />
said letter to the said Bolyn de la Garda, and went and was present<br />
at the said affreightment, and at the delivery or giving instructions to<br />
a publique Notary at Amsterdam for drawing the said Charter partie<br />
and tooke a duplicate or draught thereof with him to sea the said voyage.<br />
And having now seene the schedule annexed to the allegation (mentioned in the said second<br />
article) hee saith the same is a true copie of the said Charterpartie or<br />
Notariall contract, and that the contents thereof were and are true<br />
and soe had and donne as therein is contained, reddens rationem scia[?tia]<br />
[?XXX] ut Supra.
To the third article hee saith and deposeth that after the sais affreightment and<br />
hiring the said shipp the said Bolyn de La Garda gave notice and advice<br />
by letter (wherewith hee acquainted this deponent) to the said producents to<br />
London that hee had hired the said shipp the ''Golden Sun'' for their use and<br />
service, and as this deponent hath bin credibly informed hee the said Bolyn de<br />
La Garda in sending the said letter, imclosed the said copy of the said Charter partie<br />
and saith th esad producents afterwards sent the said copie to this deponent into Ireland<br />
And further to this article deposeth not.
[LH MARGIN]<br />
[#] The originall<br />
Charter party or<br />
Notariall Contract<br />
[GUTTER ?XX] for the use of Mr<br />
[GUTTER ?Hopkins] and the other<br />
[GUTTER ?XXXX] this 21th. of<br />
[GUTTER ?August] 1660 by mee<br />
[GUTTER ?XXX hamilltoun (sic) [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]
Toamilltoun (sic) [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]
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