Ad 5th. dicit that the said widowe of the … Ad 5th. dicit that the said widowe of the said deceased was<br />
at Virginia when the said deceased departed this life, et aliter<br />
nescit respondere./.
Ad 6th. Nescit respondere./.
Ad 7th. dicit that hee beleeveth that the said deceased's widow<br />
was not able to make satisfaction for the goods of her husband<br />
thast came to her hands et aliter nescit respondere./.
[???p.d] before [?Dr. Sweit]./.
Signum F Thomas ffoster [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
3d. die Augusti 1660 [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Rp. EA'''
'''[?Johannes] Ireland''' de Wapping in Comitatu<br />
Midd. Manta atatis 31 annoru anteo [?circitir]<br />
jurant et Examinatus dicit et deponit put Sequitur./.
Ad 1um et 2dus [?arlot] dicta [?Allegationis] ex parte Wheeler in hac causa<br />
data, dicit et deponit That this deponent was Boatswaine of<br />
the arlate Ship the ''Thomas and Anne'' all the Voyage in question<br />
and saith that hee this deponent being on shore at Virginia (when<br />
the said ship was there) hee met the arlate Mr Francis Wheeler<br />
(since deceased) who then gave this deponent a noate to fetch some<br />
tobaccoes from Shore, onboard the said Ship ''Thomas and Anne''<br />
which noate this deponent showed to Christopher Evelling the Master of her who<br />
ordered this deponent to see after the fetching them on board, and<br />
this deponent Employed his [?pcontest] Thomas ffoster in fetching<br />
the saime, and saith that hee soe fetched and brought onboard<br />
the said Ship thirty and one Hogsheds of Tobaccoe (which this<br />
helped to Stowe) And the said Mr Wheeler at the time of<br />
the Lading the same (which was in or about the moneth of<br />
November and December last) was the true and Lawfull owner<br />
thereof and soe [? spelt with one m but abbreviation line? commonly] Accounted and the same were shipped to be conveyeth<br />
hether in Her, and here to be delivered to ffrances Wheeler<br />
the younger, Son to the foresaid ffrancis Wheeler, and hee the<br />
said ffrancis Wheeler the Younger as this deponent hath Oftentimes<br />
Credibly heard tooke Tonnage in the said ship before her<br />
depature for England for the said Tobaccoes and by the Agreement<br />
(as hee hath likewise heard) hee was to have paid dead freight<br />
had not the said Tobacoes bin laden. And this deponent hath bin<br />
Credibly informed and verily beleeveth that the said Frances<br />
Wheeler deceased did alsoe lade or cause to be laden onboard<br />
the arlate ship ''Honor'' the time and place aforesaid another quantity<br />
of Tobaccoe, and that hee did intend to have come over in<br />
her for England et aliter nescit.
Ad 3rd. et 4um. articulos dicit et deponit that soone after the said<br />
Tobaccoes were putt onboard the ''Thomas and Anne'' aforesaid<br />
the said ffrances Wheeler thelder departed this life leaving behind him one Ellinor<br />
his widow who was Stepmother to ffrances Wheeler the Younger, andother to ffrances Wheeler the Younger, and +