To the hee saith that hee cannot Jud … To the hee saith that hee cannot Judge what the<br />
ship the ''Warriour'' and Lading was worth, but saith that<br />
hee Judgeth and beleeveth that the Lading and money and<br />
things seized in the ''Armes of Leake'' were worth.<br />
Twenty Thousand pounds Sterling or thereabouts<br />
And the Ship herselfe hee beleeveth was then worth two thousand pounds
To the hee saith that the said Winter hath not<br />
given any account to the said Admirall Stoakes, nor<br />
to any others as this Deponent verily beleevth of the said<br />
two Prizes and their Ladings and the Papers which came<br />
to his hands concerning the same, as hee ought to have<br />
done, nor hath made any satsifaction or restitution of or<br />
for the foresaid goods Cloaths moneyes and things<br />
by him taken, or any part thereof./.
To the hee saith that the said William Winter. is an<br />
English man, as this Deponent verily beleeveth, and a Subject<br />
of this nation, and hee the said Winter hath not as<br />
yet legally and juditially bin brought to tryall for his<br />
foresaid Misdemeanours and further deposeth not./.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./.
To the Interrogatories./. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee comes to be a witnes in this busines<br />
at the request of Captaine Stoakes, and otherwise negatively
To the second hee saith that the said Whetston was not<br />
ever Vice Admirall to Captaine Stoakes, but hee had<br />
order from Captaine Stoakes to were a flagg while they<br />
were in the ffrench service, and saith that in all civill<br />
and just businesses Lieutenants are to obey their Captaines, and<br />
in case they doe not they are to be taken Prisoner and<br />
to be tryed by a Councell of warr which is to be called by the Comander in cheife of the ffleete,<br />
but Lieutenants are not to obey their Captaines<br />
if they Comand them to doe any thing contrary to<br />
the lawes of warr and many times they and other officers doe with<br />
=stand their Captaines Comands, when they comand them to do things contrary to the said Lawes.
To the 3.d hee saith the said Winter sent some of the foresaid<br />
goods taken onboard the ''Armes of Leake'' onboard the<br />
''ffairfax frigot'', off of Mersellis, and sent some onboard the ''little''<br />
''Lewis'' aforesaid at Mersellis, and some there on shore, in the<br />
said moneth of August, 1658, And saith that hee doth not<br />
knowe nor beleeve or hath heard that the said Winter did doe the same by the order<br />
of the said Whetston, saving hee beleeveth the said<br />
(Whetstone beleeveth the said<br />
(Whetston +